Today's image was suggested by Adrien Pallot. Click on the image to open it to full size. You can then save it and turn it into a desktop background by following these brief instructions. … [Read more...] about 30 Days of September: Day 22
Keith Waldron – Rejecting Medical Humanism – 30DoS #29
In this post, physical therapist Keith Waldron Jeffrey Bishop's article Rejecting Medical Humanism. In this article, published in 2007, Dr. Bishop writes eloquently of the metaphysics of medicine, referencing the works of Nietzsche, Foucault, Heidegger, and Deleuze, and how they relate to today’s biopsychosociologisms. He puts forth a compelling argument against the use of the humanities and narrative medicine as an add-on, or a compensation for the mechanisation of medicine. He writes of a continued dualism that no longer distinguishes the body from the mind, but instead focuses on the dichotomy between meanings and mechanisms. Dr. Bishop reflects on the ever-increasing emphasis … [Read more...] about Keith Waldron – Rejecting Medical Humanism – 30DoS #29
Gwyn Owen – How we think – 30DoS #23
If you're new to this site, we publish one post each day in September celebrating a particular theme. This year it's about people and ideas that have inspired us to think critically. In this post, CPN Exec member Gwyn Owen writes about the work of John Dewey. I first came across ‘How we think’ while reading John Cowan’s inspiring, critical and beautifully crafted accounts of reflective practice and professional development a few years ago. ‘How we think’ was written by John Dewey - an American philosopher, educator, social critic and political activist. The first edition was published in 1910 & was updated in 1933. In it, Dewey sets out to describe the process of developing ‘a … [Read more...] about Gwyn Owen – How we think – 30DoS #23
Siri Moe – How the Body Shapes the Mind – 30DoS #3
In this post, Norwegian physiotherapist, teacher and researcher Siri Moe talks about Shaun Gallagher's book How the body shapes the mind. Spanish translation provided by CPN Exec member Alma Viviana Silva. The American philosopher Shaun Gallagher published the book “How the body shapes the mind” in 2005. As a result of extensive collaboration with scientists from other disciplines, like neurologists and psychologists the author redefines the understanding of the relationship between the phenomenal consciousness and the physical body. He is focusing on proprioception related to embodiment. His work is a supplement and an extension of Merleau-Ponty's phenomenology of the body, and he … [Read more...] about Siri Moe – How the Body Shapes the Mind – 30DoS #3
Is behaviourism the future for physiotherapy?
Yesterday, I took part in one of the regular and always enjoyable Physiotalk Tweet Chats (#physiotalk). This one was on the role of physiotherapy in exercise prescription. As usual, the discussion ranged widely over all sorts of topics: whether physiotherapists were experts in exercise prescription and what needs to be taught in the UG curriculum not being the least of them. One thing that came through strongly was a desire to manage the client/patient's behaviour. Words like adherence, compliance and motivation kept coming up and people seemed to recognise that all the skill in the world wouldn't matter to the therapist if the patient didn't engage. As someone who's read their fair … [Read more...] about Is behaviourism the future for physiotherapy?