Today's image was suggested by Adam Bjerre. Click on the image to open it to full size. You can then save it and turn it into a desktop background by following these brief instructions. … [Read more...] about 30 Days of September: Day 14
Målfrid Råheim – The Social Body – 30DoS #8
Crossley claims that sociology has not solved the philosophical puzzle of dualism, which means that questions of embodiment have not been worked through satisfactory in order to understand agency, identity and the nature of social practice. In The Social Body (2001) he discusses these issues by focusing on the sensuous nature of human perception, emotion and desire, and the corporeal basis of agency, communication and thought. Habit and embodied practice are core concepts in his discussion, heavily grounding his arguments in the phenomenology of the body, and in sociological theory which includes the body. He claims that the notion of habitus (Bourdieu) is not working without a deeper … [Read more...] about Målfrid Råheim – The Social Body – 30DoS #8
Is behaviourism the future for physiotherapy?
Yesterday, I took part in one of the regular and always enjoyable Physiotalk Tweet Chats (#physiotalk). This one was on the role of physiotherapy in exercise prescription. As usual, the discussion ranged widely over all sorts of topics: whether physiotherapists were experts in exercise prescription and what needs to be taught in the UG curriculum not being the least of them. One thing that came through strongly was a desire to manage the client/patient's behaviour. Words like adherence, compliance and motivation kept coming up and people seemed to recognise that all the skill in the world wouldn't matter to the therapist if the patient didn't engage. As someone who's read their fair … [Read more...] about Is behaviourism the future for physiotherapy?