Prof Anne Kinsella, one of the editors of our upcoming collection of critical physiotherapy writings - Mobilising knowledge - is on the editorial board of this new journal. Here is a recent call for papers. Journal of Praxis in Higher Education JPHE is a new international, open access, online journal dedicated to high quality research on praxis within, and related to, teaching, learning and researching in higher education.It is now calling for papers for its first issue to be published November 1, 2019. Praxis is a contested term that, in many contexts, is used interchangeably with ‘practice’, or understood as routine or habitual human activity. However, it has also come … [Read more...] about Call for papers for new Journal of Praxis in Higher Education
CPN Digest #47
Something for the weekend: The Language of Illness and Death on Social Media: An Affective Approach Dog learns new tricks via vibrating vest How the Victorians invented leisure Stop being reasonable Inequality of access to physiotherapy …and an important commentary by Hunt, Cleaver, et al Key Push and Pull Factors Affecting Return to Work Identified by Patients With Long-Term Pain The Medical Profession in Mexico, 1800-1870 A new paper from Rosi Braidotti The problem of conflating correlation with causation ‘I liked having confused, vaguely questioning ideas that then fell apart’ Book list on AI and robotics in healthcare and education Organised sport might not be as … [Read more...] about CPN Digest #47
Professional values
A recent study in Physiotherapy Canada looked to try to identify core physiotherapy professional values from both primary and grey literature and the views of physiotherapists attending the 2016 CPA Congress. The findings of the study perhaps unsurprising, with 10 values coming out most strongly: accountabilityadvocacyaltruismcompassion and caringequityexcellenceintegritypatient and client centredrespectsocial responsibility What is interesting about these values is not so much that they are stated at all - after all, most established health professions could and do claim similar values - but rather how they are acquired. Physiotherapy training programmes go to inordinate amounts … [Read more...] about Professional values