Crossley claims that sociology has not solved the philosophical puzzle of dualism, which means that questions of embodiment have not been worked through satisfactory in order to understand agency, identity and the nature of social practice. In The Social Body (2001) he discusses these issues by focusing on the sensuous nature of human perception, emotion and desire, and the corporeal basis of agency, communication and thought. Habit and embodied practice are core concepts in his discussion, heavily grounding his arguments in the phenomenology of the body, and in sociological theory which includes the body. He claims that the notion of habitus (Bourdieu) is not working without a deeper … [Read more...] about Målfrid Råheim – The Social Body – 30DoS #8
Half the pain, half the gain
The subject of pain features quite a lot in these blogposts (see here, or here, for example). Not because the members of the CPN are particularly expert in matters pertaining to pain, or because its of any more clinical interest than, say, cerebral palsy. Pain is interesting, I think, partly because it's become such a popular subject in the profession, and members of the CPN are prone to asking questions like 'why this, why now?' In recent weeks a few social media feeds have explored, once again, how we might better understand pain, and improve on our assessment and treatment techniques. I've been struck by how almost all of these conversations are prefaced on the idea that pain is … [Read more...] about Half the pain, half the gain
The construction of professional identity by physiotherapists: a qualitative study
A new paper now available online from CPN members Ralph Hammond, Vinette Cross and Ann Moore Published Online: April 23, 2015 DOI: Abstract The UK Frances Report and increasing societal expectations of healthcare have challenged physiotherapists to reconsider professionalism. Physiotherapy has viewed identity as a fixed entity emphasising coherence, continuity and distinctiveness. Socialisation has required the acquisition of a professional identity as one necessary ‘asset’ for novices. Yet how do physiotherapists come to be the physiotherapists they are? Design Qualitative study using Collective Memory Work. Eight physiotherapists in … [Read more...] about The construction of professional identity by physiotherapists: a qualitative study
Critical physiotherapy research update
Lived Observations: Linking the Researcher’s Personal Experiences to Knowledge Development Lisbeth Thoresen & Joakim Öhlén As researchers in palliative care, we recognize how involvement with seriously ill and dying persons has an impact on us. Using one’s own senses, emotional and bodily responses in observations might open intersubjective dimensions of the research topic. The aim of the article is to highlight how phenomenological theories on intersubjectivity can be useful to develop rich and transparent data generation and analysis. We present three field note examples from observation in a hospice ward, which illuminate how researcher awareness of aspects of intersubjectivity can … [Read more...] about Critical physiotherapy research update
The Experience of Practice-Based Educators: Supporting Disabled Physiotherapy Students
Each day over the next week I'll post up an abstract for a paper being presented by a member of the Critical Physiotherapy Network at the In Sickness and In Health conference in Mallorca in June 2015. (You can find more information on the conference here.) The Experience of Practice-Based Educators: Supporting Disabled Physiotherapy Students By Karen Atkinson In the UK we have a substantial history of disabled people entering the physiotherapy profession. The most well-known group is probably those who have visual impairments. Over the last 20 years, however, the picture has changed with more students and graduate physiotherapists who are, for example, users of mental health services, … [Read more...] about The Experience of Practice-Based Educators: Supporting Disabled Physiotherapy Students
Yeowell G (2013) ‘Isn’t it all Whites?’ Ethnic diversity & the physiotherapy profession. Physiotherapy 99(4)341-346
Yeowell, G. (2013). ‘Isn’t it all Whites?’ Ethnic diversity and the physiotherapy profession. Physiotherapy, Available online 25 March 2013. Abstract Aim To explore physiotherapists’ perceptions, views and experiences of ethnic diversity in relation to the physiotherapy profession. Design Qualitative research study, drawing on ethnographic traditions and including ethnographic interviews. The interviews were transcribed verbatim and the data were analysed using thematic analysis. Several verification procedures were incorporated into the design to ensure quality. Setting Venues chosen by the participants in North West England. Participants A purposive sample of 22 … [Read more...] about Yeowell G (2013) ‘Isn’t it all Whites?’ Ethnic diversity & the physiotherapy profession. Physiotherapy 99(4)341-346