"There's a great, probably apocryphal story about the noted psychotherapist Wilfred Bion (pron. bee-on), who when confronted by a patient who wanted simple answers to her problems, said: "I don't know why you're getting so angry, I wasn't trying to help you". Such stories seem at odds to the way you should behave as a healthcare worker, perhaps because we are conditioned to think that our response to patient's problems should always be to look for a solution; to fix or cure them; to return them to (their) normal; to rehabilitate or restore them. Our whole approach to physiotherapy is especially teleological, with a defined goal or end in mind.* And we define our success by outcome … [Read more...] about Physiotherapy fix-ation
Desperate, angry, confused? Sociology can help
For the last two years I've been the academic leader of a team of psychologists and psychotherapists. Part of my reason for taking the role was to move away from physiotherapy for a while, and one of the things I've learnt is how much of what the 'pay' disciplines do should be a standard part of the physiotherapy curriculum and scope of practice. How on earth physiotherapists managed to survive for 100 years without exploring transference and counter-transference is beyond me. But one of the things that characterises many of the psy approaches to health and wellbeing is that they will look to the psyche and the mind for the answers to people's despair, anger and confusion. Today I … [Read more...] about Desperate, angry, confused? Sociology can help
30 Days of September: Day 25
Today's image was suggested by Sarah Blanton. Click on the image to open it to full size. You can then save it and turn it into a desktop background by following these brief instructions. … [Read more...] about 30 Days of September: Day 25
Help HelpAge in Ukraine and Tanzania
A few days ago, we received this request for help from one of HelpAge International's disability advisors and thought it might be of interest to members: From Diana Hiscock, Disability Advisor, ADCAP Project, HelpAge International I am looking for contacts in two countries or regions to support HelpAge projects in their work. 1. Help Age International is working in Ukraine - http://www.helpage.org/what-we-do/emergencies/ukraine-crisis/ and I am trying to find OT’s or PT’s to provide support there. I have tried to contact the Ukrainian Physiotherapy association without luck – so now I am looking for links and previous experience in this region. We are planning to bring in therapists … [Read more...] about Help HelpAge in Ukraine and Tanzania
10 critical suggestions for new graduates
This image is free for you to print or download. It is formatted in A4 landscape. Please share with colleagues: other physiotherapists, doctors, nurses, occupational therapists, etc...whomever you think might find it useful. … [Read more...] about 10 critical suggestions for new graduates
If I can
There are many things I love about William Morris, the 19th century textile designer, poet, novelist, translator, and socialist activist (see profile here). I've always had a passion for the Arts and Crafts movement that he contributed so much to. I love the idea that things should be done once and done well. I love his socialism and belief in the struggles of people less well off than us. But it was his belief in the need to do the best one could, and to be satisfied with one's achievement - no matter how modest - that has always drawn me to him. Late last week, I posted a blog about how I didn't think that physiotherapy could claim to be patient-centred. Thank you to the people … [Read more...] about If I can