Something for the weekend: Managing the (In)visibility of Chronic Illness at Work (article) My job as a doctor in today's NHS is draining me of humanity (magazine) Listening to Patients’ Voices: Workarounds Patients Use to Construct Pain Intensity Ratings (article) The invigorating strangeness of Friedrich Nietzsche (magazine) Facilitation of a Person-Centered Approach in Health Assessment of patients with chronic pain (article) Medical Misadventure in an Age of Professionalisation (book review) Heideggerian Phenomenology, Practical Ontologies and the Link Between Experience and Practices (article) The Lives of Michel Foucault republished by Verso, with a new … [Read more...] about CPN Digest #23
CPN Digest #22
Something for the weekend: Public dissection was a gruesome spectacle (magazine) Bodies Beyond Borders. Moving Anatomies 1750-1950 (book review) Galvani's voltaic pile c.1800 (image) Michel Foucault: The Order of Things (hagiography) How Should We Read the Totalitarian Philosophers? (blog) Medical Cadaver Dissection, Power, and Inequality in the United States (blog) Remembering Gary Gutting (blog) Heideggerian Phenomenology, Practical Ontologies and the Link Between Experience and Practices (article) Five warning signs of overdiagnosis (magazine) Medical Misadventure in an Age of Professionalisation (article) Health Check: do we really need to take 10,000 … [Read more...] about CPN Digest #22
CPN Digest #21
Something for the weekend: Experiments in Physiotherapy Education Unconference #1 (announcement) Philosophy must be useful (magazine) Abstracts, Oral Presentations for Qualitative Health Research Conference, 2018 (pdf) Richard Rorty on the future of philosophy (podcast) Deleuze and the Humanities edited by Rosi Braidotti (book) van Manen's phenomenology of practice (article) I Am a Professor in a Movie (blog) Muscle memory discovery ends 'use it or lose it' dogma (magazine) First paralyzed human treated with stem cells has now regained upper body movement (magazine) Once Upon a Time There Was a Virus…Storytelling, Health and Illness (conference) Research … [Read more...] about CPN Digest #21
CPN Digest #20
Something for the weekend: On the value of truth (magazine) Online guides to writing a philosophy paper (blog) Regular education #chats on Twitter (resource) The replication crisis is killing psychologists’ theory of how the body influences the mind (magazine) Critical Histories of Aging and Later Life - Radical History Review (call for proposals) Philosophy can make the previously unthinkable thinkable (magazine) "We can do great things together, though it sometimes means circumventing the very disciplinary structures that keep us separated and wary of collaboration" (podcast) Action not words needed over biggest public health failure of our time: pneumonia … [Read more...] about CPN Digest #20
CPN Digest #19
Something for the New Year: 24 cognitive biases that are warping your perception of reality (blog) - thanks Catherine The redundancy of positivism as a paradigm for nursing research (article) Middle‐range theories as models: New criteria for analysis and evaluation (article) Rhizomatic Learning – a somewhat curious introduction (blog) Touch and Affect: Analysing the Archive of Touch Biographies (article) Predatory War, Drones and Torture: Remapping the Body in Pain (article) Graduates in health-related courses fare the best (magazine) Threats to embodied well-being: An exploration of how disabled people negotiate barriers in hospital settings (article) ‘I like … [Read more...] about CPN Digest #19
CPN Digest #17
Something for the weekend: The human body in the age of catastrophe (podcast) Enlightenment skepticism and the birth of the human sciences (blog) Women chiropractors and WWI (blog) Against ‘Aging’ – How to Talk about Growing Older (article) A new healthcare business model (blog) Embodiment in High-altitude Mountaineering: Sensing and Working with the Weather (article) Neurological disorders like motor neuron, stroke, and Parkinson’s are the leading cause of disability worldwide (magazine) Complaints over social care in England nearly trebled since 2010 (magazine) Imperfect Perfection and Wheelchair Bodybuilding: Challenging Ableism or Reproducing Normalcy? … [Read more...] about CPN Digest #17
CPN Digest #16
Something for the weekend: Humans vs machines (magazine) Managing Stigma: Young People, Asthma, and the Politics of Chronic Illness (article) “Battalion of Life”: American Women’s Hospitals and the First World War (blog) Ethnography, multimodality and walking (article) Bullshit jobs (blog) Private physio practice is star of Samsung advert (blog) Frameworks and research/practice thinking (blog) Medical scientists and philosophers worldwide appeal to EBM to expand the notion of ‘evidence’ - with a special mention for Rani Lill Anjum who is co-editing our upcoming 2nd CPN book (article) Sci-fi needs to overcome its poor history with disabled people (magazine) … [Read more...] about CPN Digest #16