Something for the weekend: The Place of Agency and Related Capacities in Future Practices (Franziska Trede & Joy Higgs) Evolution of physiotherapy scholarship Engagement in performing clinical physiotherapy research: Perspectives from leaders and physiotherapists Cultivating Activism in the Academy: A Deleuzoguattarian Exploration of Phenomenological Projects Key Push and Pull Factors Affecting Return to Work Identified by Patients With Long-Term Pain Sibling Relationships Over the Life Course: Growing Up With a Disability What can happen when quantitative scientists interfere in the humanities Kierkegaard’s ways to be human Crispr gene editing may one day … [Read more...] about CPN Digest #30
CPN Digest #29
Something for the weekend: What's 'critical' about critical physiotherapy? How the idea of the straight, white, muscular male body shaped America Shortage of GPs will never end. Physiotherapy can help If we want (NHS) staff to care for us, we need to care for them Finally, people with disabilities will have a chance to tell their stories – and be believed Subjects of study and students with disabilities What are critical thinking skills? Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Primary Care There Is No Brain: Rethinking Neuroscience through a Nomadic Ontology Scientists rise up against statistical significance Obituary: Mary Warnock, philosopher and … [Read more...] about CPN Digest #29
CPN Digest #28
Something for the weekend: Prosthetic design between aesthetics and functionality Researching embodied relationships with place Michel Foucault: Arch-leftist or subversive conservative? From Marx to Foucault, via Althusser Careful how you treat today’s AI: it might take revenge in the future Trialling technologies to reduce hospital in‐patient falls: an agential realist analysis Military‐style fitness boot camps: contested resources in accounting for fatness On the body of the consumer: performance‐seeking with wearables and health and fitness apps Recruiting and Retaining People With Disabilities for Qualitative Health Research The Lived Experience of People … [Read more...] about CPN Digest #28
CPN Digest #27
Something for the weekend: Emerging and New Researchers in the Geographies of Health & Impairment conference Military‐style fitness boot camps: contested resources in accounting for fatness Sawbones: Stroke Aquatic Exercise Offers Similar Results With Less Pain for Patients With Chronic LBP Warwick Continental Philosophy Conference Household collectives: resituating health promotion and physical activity The surveillance economy The Human Is Dead – Long Live the Algorithm! Feet and Fertility in the Healing Temples Social Networks and Subjective Wellbeing in Australia Walking through Social Research Diagnosis: Truths and Tales Centre for Critical … [Read more...] about CPN Digest #27
CPN Digest #26
Something for the weekend: Advocating for allied health - invitation to comment Scrap laws driving privatisation of NHS Want to Change the World? First, You Have to Listen to It Beyond the absent body The humanities and social sciences in the making of physicians The concept of praxis Why we should read Rousseau Can machines be more creative than humans? Putting patients into the centre: Patient empowerment in everyday health practices Conference on Chronic Living in the 21st Century in Denmark with Nikolas Rose Anopticism: Invisible Populations and the Power of Not Seeing The human reimagined Canguilhem by Stuart Elden Nietzsche and the Cynics … [Read more...] about CPN Digest #26
CPN Digest #25
Something for the weekend: How to recognise abusive sports coaches The power of breathing The best health books of 2018 - Wellcome Long List Walking as transgenerational methodology Disability studies and environmental humanities The importance of failure What education needs to learn from EBM Imagination in embodied health research Disability and migration Different notions of the mind (and AI) Rethinking human repair Probability might not be as simple as you think Non-conscious cognition Material medicine: Objects and bodies conference The walking essay … [Read more...] about CPN Digest #25
CPN Digest #24
Something for the weekend: Self-regulated learning in physical therapy education (article) New emojis including a wheelchair user, bionic arm and guide dog (magazine) Normality: A Critical Genealogy (book review) Creating ‘automatic subjects’: Corporate wellness and self-tracking (article) Individualising difference, negotiating culture: Intersections of culture and care (article) The body language of place: A new method for mapping intergenerational “geographies of embodiment” in place-health research (article) Motivation for movement: Influences for walking event participation (article) The digital academic: Critical perspectives on digital technologies in higher … [Read more...] about CPN Digest #24