Something for the weekend A special issue devoted to poetry and healthYes, but is it really ‘feeling’?How Foucault got neoliberalism wrongHealthcare climate footprint reportAgainst neurodiversityHeidegger, the homesick philosopherCall for papers: Chronic living: Quality, vitality and health in the 21st centuryWhat’s wrong with re-ablement?The importance of sociological approaches to the study of service change in health careHealth Inequities and Disparities Research Call for PapersProfessor of Applied Health Research - Nottingham Uni, UKReflections on teaching critical anthropology in physiotherapyAcademic Minute: TelerehabilitationTony Bates’ update on AIThe Dangers of Fluent Lectures … [Read more...] about CPN Digest #56
CPN Digest #55
Something for the weekend: A new approach to care of the selfWomen are beautiful, men are rationalGoogle is banning ads for quack curesHydrotherapyReflections on World Physiotherapy DayApple made Siri deflect questions on feminismDevices aren’t listening in to our conversations after allIs social prescribing just placebo?Embodied learning for health professionals…and a follow-up on the ‘lack of attention to embodiment in health professions education’Players’ Experiences of Barriers and Facilitators of the Immediate Management of Rugby-Related Acute Spinal Cord InjuryManaging Stigma: Young People, Asthma, and the Politics of Chronic IllnessAnd from some CPN members - ‘Cheer* in Health Care … [Read more...] about CPN Digest #55
CPN Digest #54
Something for the weekend: Heidegger and Husserl’s critique of science and technologyAI inventing new therapiesOur health sector is overly complicated and fragmentedWriting on chronic fatigueAlexa will be your best friend when you’re olderEmpathy in the age of the electronic medical record Knife imitates art - how surgeons use creativityCritical thinking, biases and dual processing: The enduring myth of generalisable skillsMedical student strategies for actively negotiating hierarchy in the clinical environmentHow do physiotherapists solicit and explore patients’ concerns in back pain consultationsUnderstanding the place of outdoor walking groups in women's livesYoung people in nursing … [Read more...] about CPN Digest #54
CPN Digest #53
Something for the weekend: The body in pictures Resisting big data exploitation in public healthcare The practice of phenomenology: The case of Max van Manen The placebo paradox More ways than one to environmental action Physiotherapy history projects around the world Living with Parkinson’s - finding optimism The Lived Experience of People With Stroke After Participation in a Complex Psychosocial Intervention Valuing Care and Support in an Era of Celebrating Independence 7th International Conference on Qualitative Research in Sport and Exercise The healing touch of the king Disability Identity and the Culture of Veteran Athletics in Modern America ‘Old age is a ceremony of … [Read more...] about CPN Digest #53
CPN Digest #52
Something for the weekend: AI physiotherapists and physiotechnologistsPain Rescue Team Helps Seriously Ill Kids Cope In Terrible TimesThe humanities in the age of lonelinessDisability and the myth of the independent scientistEverything We Learned About Women’s Anatomy from Male AuthorsThe “inconvenient truth” about AI in healthcareNeed some bionic shorts to help with your running?Skin mattersDisrupted breath, songlines of breathlessnessSymbiotically considering ‘therapeutic’ human-animal relationsThe great university con: how the British degree lost its valueYou can’t replace the GP with an algorithm – so don’t try toBlow to 10,000-hour rule as study finds practice doesn't always make … [Read more...] about CPN Digest #52
CPN Digest #46
Something for the weekend: Who is doing inter- and transdisciplinary research, and why?The world’s to 50 thinkers 2019Derrida and Foucault. Philosophy, Politics, and Polemics (2017)Yoga for prisonersSensor-filled skin gives prosthetic hand a better sense of touchMarxism and Buddhism on pain and sufferingOn how to disagreeWhat Contributions, if Any, Can Non-Indigenous Researchers Offer Toward Decolonizing Health Research?Problematization, with Foucault, Bachelard and DeleuzeSpecial Issue on the Anthropocene in the Study of Higher EducationJane Austen’s exercise planDesign crash test dummies to look like men and more women die in car accidentsThe Anthropology of Sport, Bodies, Borders, … [Read more...] about CPN Digest #46
CPN Digest #44
Something for the weekend: How Cooking Websites Are Failing People With DisabilitiesBut what is a neural network?Illuminating occupations at the heart of social problemsHow nurses transform the subjective experience of pain into objective numbersPhysiotherapists’ Perspectives on the Threats Posed to Their Profession in the Areas of Training, Education, and Knowledge ExchangeWe’re told that too much screen time hurts our kids. Where’s the evidence?Exercise in vital bodiesCritical health education studies: Reflections on a new conference and this themed symposiumDo Brain Decoders Have an Ontological Mind of Their Own?Professional Health Regulation in the Public Interest. International … [Read more...] about CPN Digest #44