In this final 30DoS for 2016, Director of Professional Policy at WCPT - Tracy Bury - writes about the seminal work of David Sackett and how it influenced her critical thinking. The publication of Evidence based medicine: what it is and what it isn’t (Sackett et al) in 1996 was the culmination of a growing discourse on the challenges of integrating research evidence with clinical expertise for the benefit of patients. The authors also referenced EBM’s philosophical origins in mid-19th century Paris whilst describing it as a young discipline. The definition for EBM that was set out is now universally recognised. The importance of clinical experience, competency and judgement were … [Read more...] about Tracy Bury – EBM: What it is and what it isn’t – 30DoS #30
Physiotherapy needs more than just a radical curriculum
A few days ago, I blogged about the new graduating competencies that will begin to be used in Australia and New Zealand in the the next few years (click here to read this post.) To me, they represent the kind of radical (critical) thinking that is so desperately needed in the physiotherapy profession. As I mentioned in the blogpost, the new competencies are drawn - almost verbatim - from the CanMED system which has been operating in Canada since 2000. The CanMED system was based on public consultations that took place as far back as the 1980s in Ontario (see Nuefeld et al, 1998) which pointed to the fact that 'scientific knowledge has brought large benefits to patients in clinical … [Read more...] about Physiotherapy needs more than just a radical curriculum
Embodied ways of knowing in physiotherapy – unexplored competencies?
Each day over the next week I'll post up an abstract for a paper being presented by a member of the Critical Physiotherapy Network at the In Sickness and In Health conference in Mallorca in June 2015. (You can find more information on the conference here.) Embodied ways of knowing in physiotherapy - unexplored competencies? By Anne G. Langaas The glocal phenomenon under scrutiny in this presentation is the marginalization and uncertain status granted to certain ways of knowing in physiotherapy. The empirical material was generated through a study of Norwegian students of physiotherapy. Different ethnographic methods were used including repeated dialogic interviews/conversations with … [Read more...] about Embodied ways of knowing in physiotherapy – unexplored competencies?
Critical physiotherapy research update
Moving forward in nursing In an editorial in Nursing Philosophy late last year, Derek Sellman wrote a piece that will resonate with a lot of people frustrated by the corporatization of health care; 'I retain a deep distrust of moving forward as a spindiom (spin idiom, spindiom, get it?)...The primary values of education and health care are not those of the corporation' (p.156). Sellman, D. (2014). Moving forward in nursing. Nursing Philosophy : An International Journal for Healthcare Professionals, 15(3), 155-6. doi:10.1111/nup.12059. Reviewing research papers In the same edition of Nursing Philosophy, Martin Lipscomb asks 'how much understanding of the research process is enough for a … [Read more...] about Critical physiotherapy research update