Thanks to everyone who sent me comments and thoughts on the Connectivity writing project. Here are some of the extra resources people thought might be linked to the project. If you have any more thoughts on what should go into the article, either add them as comments below (remember, I may post them on the blog) or send them to me via email ( Lester Jones I think this document could be relevant - although I am aware it is 11 years old now. I have used it, including figure 1 - as referenced below - in curriculum design. Should be able to access pdf from link below, with figure on p29. STAKES (2003) 'Label Us Able : A Pro-active Evaluation of Finnish Development … [Read more...] about Connectivity – Contributions from the Network – New resources
Connectivity – Contributions from the Network #5 – Richard Horwood
Thanks to everyone who sent me comments and thoughts on the Connectivity writing project. Over the next few days I'll post up some of the feedback and thoughts that these pieces. Remember to send comments on these things too and I'll pull them all together. This post came from Richard Horwood, Clinical Educator in the Physiotherapy Department at AUT University in Auckland, New Zealand. Why Critical Physiotherapy Needs Connectivity. Modernism likes to create single forms that can be 'understood', words, labels, models, tags etc. In effect it creates simple forms from complex parts. To create these forms, 'z', it works it's way from 'a' through a series of processes, accepting each … [Read more...] about Connectivity – Contributions from the Network #5 – Richard Horwood
Connectivity – Contributions from the Network #4 – Barbara Gibson
Thanks to everyone who sent me comments and thoughts on the Connectivity writing project. Over the next few days I'll post up some of the feedback and thoughts that these pieces. Remember to send comments on these things too and I'll pull them all together. This post came from Barbara Gibson - Associate Professor, in the Department of Physical Therapy at University of Toronto, and Senior Scientist at Bloorview Research Institute, Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital, Toronto. I am hoping that as a critical group we can use this as a point of departure to delve a little more into the philosophical approach(es) that underpin these ideas. In particular, drawing out the … [Read more...] about Connectivity – Contributions from the Network #4 – Barbara Gibson
Connectivity – Contributions from the Network #3 – Andreas Bjerregaard
Today's post comes from Andreas Bjerregaard who is a physiotherapist and personal trainer in Copenhagen. As well as running his own clinic and being a FIFA 11+ instructor, Andreas volunteers his physio skills for the Homeless World Cup. Andreas blogs about his work here. I work on how people can change the lives of homeless people through football. Right now the tournament ( is being hosted in Santiago, Chile. I am part of a physiotherapy team from Denmark and Norway who are treating players from all over the world. On busy day we would have 150-200 treatments with all kinds of injuries: dislocated fingers and shoulders, broken bones, major acute ligaments … [Read more...] about Connectivity – Contributions from the Network #3 – Andreas Bjerregaard
Health as pornography
Drawing a long bow, I know, but with a few minor amendments, Loïc Wacquant could actually be talking about physiotherapy...or medicine...or any of the other health professions that adhere to the medical model: '...the [physiotherapy] merry-go-round is to [health] what pornography is to amorous relations: a mirror deforming reality to the point of the grotesque that artificially extracts [deviant movement] from the fabric of social relations in which they take root and make sense, deliberately ignores their causes and their meanings, and reduces their treatment to a series of conspicuous position takings, often acrobatic, sometimes properly unreal, pertaining to the cult of ideal … [Read more...] about Health as pornography
From Sociology of Health and Illness, Volume 36, Issue 6, July 2014
Touching moments: phenomenological sociology and the haptic dimension in the lived experience of motor neurone disease Jacquelyn Allen-Collinson and Amanda Pavey Keywords: motor neurone disease; phenomenological sociology; Merleau-Ponty; the senses; touch and the haptic Abstract Currently, there is a relative research lacuna in phenomenological research into the lived experience of motor neurone disease. Based on a sociological research project in the UK, involving 42 participants diagnosed with MND, this article explores the potential of a phenomenological sociology for analysing experiences of this drastically life-limiting neurological disorder. Calls have … [Read more...] about From Sociology of Health and Illness, Volume 36, Issue 6, July 2014
10 reasons why we need a Critical Physiotherapy Network
The response to the formation of our Critical Physiotherapy Network has been amazing, and it's made me think about some of the reasons why physiotherapy is now ready for a group like this. 1. Health care is increasingly complex The sheer size and complexity of the health care system is profoundly challenging the old medical model. Writers like Bryan Turner, Simon Williams, Debbie Lupton, Chris Shilling, Nick Fox, Alan Petersen and others have shown that biomedicine has brought about many great achievements, but it has also contributed to the present dysfunction in the health system. As the old system is slowly dismantled (and with it, many of the principles that have underpinned … [Read more...] about 10 reasons why we need a Critical Physiotherapy Network