1. Fue directora de la línea de investigación kinesiología del desarrollo en la Universidad Nacional. ¿Podrías decirnos como nació el interés en este tema y como tu (experiencia o tu educación o ...) influencio tu investigación? y como influencio tu interés en el manejo de pacientes con demencia? Mi interés por la línea de investigación y profundización en kinesiología del desarrollo, surgió en relación con la oportunidad que tuve de estar vinculada como docente en la UN, durante un período (1986-2006) marcado por la necesidad de reformar el programa curricular de la carrera de manera tal que se favoreciera la formación de fisioterapeutas más comprometidos con la mejora de la … [Read more...] about Gloria Teresa Zapata – Fisioterapeuta
Physiotherapy’s biopsycho (but not so much) social approach to future healthcare
One of the interesting aspects of the recent physiotherapy discussions on social media about the benefits of the biopsychosocial model is the almost complete lack of the 'social'. Those who advocate for the model seem comfortable with the idea that physiotherapy might be ready to embrace its psychological dimensions - although, often, the 'psychological' is lazily referred to as a singular entity - but little is said about the social dimensions of physiotherapy. Perhaps physiotherapists are not aware of the full scale of the social dimensions of practice? Many practitioners, for instance, still ignore the fact that the social determinants of health (poverty, education level, access to … [Read more...] about Physiotherapy’s biopsycho (but not so much) social approach to future healthcare
Keith Waldron – Rejecting Medical Humanism – 30DoS #29
In this post, physical therapist Keith Waldron Jeffrey Bishop's article Rejecting Medical Humanism. In this article, published in 2007, Dr. Bishop writes eloquently of the metaphysics of medicine, referencing the works of Nietzsche, Foucault, Heidegger, and Deleuze, and how they relate to today’s biopsychosociologisms. He puts forth a compelling argument against the use of the humanities and narrative medicine as an add-on, or a compensation for the mechanisation of medicine. He writes of a continued dualism that no longer distinguishes the body from the mind, but instead focuses on the dichotomy between meanings and mechanisms. Dr. Bishop reflects on the ever-increasing emphasis … [Read more...] about Keith Waldron – Rejecting Medical Humanism – 30DoS #29
Pain or suffering?
For a lot of its advocates, and there are many, pain has become a touchstone for new kind of physiotherapy practice: a more holistic, complex and person-centred practice that is more in tune with the modern face of healthcare; a healthcare where people want more from their health professional than 15 minutes of interferential and a quick manipulation. Some of the pain specialists in our profession are treated like rock stars and their presentations are guaranteed to fill out venues whenever they speak. People like Lorimer Moseley and David Butler have built their careers on bridging the divide between science and practice, the profession and public, and finding ways to make pain … [Read more...] about Pain or suffering?