Something for the weekend: Fitness gurus and ‘muscular Christianity’: how Victorian Britain anticipated today’s keep fit crazeTheorizing work in the contemporary platform economyHealth and health care in Europe: between inequalities and new opportunities conferenceTowards the creative university: Five forms of creativity and beyondInterdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research and practiceContracting with students: Re‐thinking Higher Education as invitation to treatEducational leadership: Producing docile bodies? A Foucauldian perspective on Higher Education2020 International Health Conference Gymnastic robotsThe phenomenological heart of teaching and learningPrecarious employment, … [Read more...] about CPN Digest #71
Qualitative health research 101
Part 2 - Criticality Last week I offered an all too brief potted history of qualitative health research (QHR), in the hope that what follows makes more sense.There are a lot of misconceptions about QHR. Hopefully these blogposts will help clarify some core principles, and inspire people to see how incredibly powerful and useful good quality QHR can be. Now you could say the first principle I want to tackle today’s is so important that it almost defines the difference between what is true qualitative health research and what is a pale imitation. And that is criticality. More than any other principle, good QHR has always been critical. It has challenged convention; held a mirror held … [Read more...] about Qualitative health research 101
Intersectionality: Challenges for Critical Feminist Research, Practice and Policy
An international conference at the Australian National University Signature Event, 2020, ANU Gender Institute. Also supported by: Development Policy Centre, ANU 3-4 November 2020 Molonglo Theatre, J.G. Crawford Building, Liversidge Road, ACTON 2601, Canberra, Australia Call for Papers Liberal feminists imagined a universal category of ‘women’ as a basis for solidarity, but also believed it as homogeneous. Today, feminist politics recognises multiple forms of social stratification, such as class, race, indigneity, ethnicity, sexual orientation, age, religion and disability as well as gender. 'Intersectionality' was introduced as a name for the ways they combine to create … [Read more...] about Intersectionality: Challenges for Critical Feminist Research, Practice and Policy