Something for the weekend: Philosophies of Disability and the Global Pandemic - editor Shelley TremainPhantom Body: Weightless bodies, Avatars, and the end of skinThe Fractured “I”: An Autoethnographic Account of a Part-Time Doctoral Student’s Experience With Scholarly Identity Formation‘Complexity’ as a rhetorical smokescreen for UK public health inaction on dietPhysiotherapists’ experiences of the meaning of movement quality in autism: a descriptive phenomenological studyThe contribution of theory to an ethnographic case study on interprofessional placements in healthcare educationEthics in photovoice researchHoning Practical JudgementPractical Knowledge and Habits of MindHeidegger, … [Read more...] about CPN Digest #95
3rd Critical Physiotherapy Course coming soon…
The 3rd in our free, online series of Critical Physiotherapy talks will be on 16/17 July. Dave & Jon Nicholls will be presenting work they did for a chapter in the upcoming book Mobilizing knowledge in a talk titled... Beyond empathy:How physiotherapists and photographers learn to look How do we see physiotherapy as a discipline?How have we been taught to look at bodies and treat people?How could we use some of the lessons of photography to transform the way we think and learn about physiotherapy? We want to explore all of these questions and more in our session titled 'Beyond empathy: How physiotherapists and photographers learn to look. In a break from tradition, … [Read more...] about 3rd Critical Physiotherapy Course coming soon…
Percepción de los estudiantes sobre los procesos de formación en el contexto do pandemia COVID-19
This document has been written and circulated by Karim Martina Alvis Gómez (Director), and the members of the regional committees of El Centro Latinoamericano para el Desarrollo de la Fisioterapia y la Kinesiología (CLADEFK). The text was shared by CPN Exec member, Aydee Luisa Robayo. Here is a translated version of the abstract: The Latin American Center for the Development of Physiotherapy and Kinesiology- CLADEFK, committed to the development of Physiotherapy and Kinesiology, in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, has started the preparation of a series of documents that serve as general references for consultation and information on matters of relevance to the profession of … [Read more...] about Percepción de los estudiantes sobre los procesos de formación en el contexto do pandemia COVID-19