Something for the weekend: Patient-Present Teaching in the Clinic; Effect on Agency and Professional Behaviour Problematising assumptions about ‘centredness’ in patient and family centred care research in acute care settings Evaluation in Health Professions Education – is measuring outcomes enough? Physician dominance in the 21st century: Examining the rise of non-physician autonomy through prevailing theoretical lenses The Open Syllabus Galaxy “"Emmanuel Levinas has this notion that the origin of our ethical obligations to the other emerge out of this moment of the face-to-face encounter," said Pearl.” Long Covid – The illness narratives - “the first illness to be defined by … [Read more...] about CPN Digest #164
CPN Digest #163
Something for the weekend: Facial expressions can detect Parkinson’s disease: preliminary evidence from videos collected online What Is Critical Race Theory? Postphenomenological Method and Technological Things Themselves If bell hooks Made an LMS: Grades, Radical Openness, and Domain of One's Own Social Structure and Health Equity Walking methodology papers in Qualitative inquiry: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Infrastructures of racial violence, health and debility Why Lecture? A quest for a particular kind of knowing that you won’t get with TED talks. On accelerationism The emergence of the idea of ‘the welfare state’ in British political discourse On the assumption of self-reflective … [Read more...] about CPN Digest #163
Let me know if you can’t access the CPN site
We're very protective of your contact information and have built some pretty strong measures into the CPN site ( to ensure the information you share as members doesn't leak out. But sometimes that means people have problems logging into the site and accessing the members-only content. Access to this part of the site is going to be really important in the coming 12 months as we launch some big changes across the Network. So we need to know if you're having problems logging in. If you can't remember your password, just follow the normal steps. But if you still can't get in and think something is wrong, email me directly and let me know … [Read more...] about Let me know if you can’t access the CPN site