Silvio Almeida Almeida is an interdisciplinary scholar of philosophy, law and race. He has written books on structural racism in Brazil, as well as on Sartre and young Lukács. In Racismo Estrutural, Almeida draws on the idea of institutionalised racism and discusses through statistical and judicial research how racism manifests in the social, political and economic structures of Brazilian society. Almeidas writing in Blog Da Boitempo: Almeida, Silvio (2019). Racismo Estrutural. Pólen Livros. Sartre - direito e política: ontologia, liberdade e revolução. São Paulo: Boitempo, 2016. O Direito no Jovem … [Read more...] about 30DoS 2020 – Day 15
30DoS 2020 – Day 14
MERLOT - open educational resources MERLOT is an international community of educators, learners, and researchers interested in the open sharing of learning resources. Link to website: Link to YouTube channel: Medical Humanities Medical Humanities presents the international conversation around medicine and its engagement with the humanities and arts, social sciences, health policy, medical education, patient experience and the public at large. Led by Dr Brandy Schillace, the journal publishes scholarly and critical articles on a broad range of topics. These include history of medicine, cultures of medicine, … [Read more...] about 30DoS 2020 – Day 14
30DoS 2020 – Day 13
Xerte and OpenLearn Create - web authoring tools Both of these tools offer accessible and affordable ways to build web content, from websites, to blogs, and social media. Both work to try to make learning as open as possible. Links to websites: and Catherine Malabou Malabou is a French philosopher, whose work addresses the concept of ‘plasticity’ which draws on medical science, neuroplasticity, and the work of G.W.F. Hegel. Her work also works in the intersection of psychoanalysis, neuroscience and philosophy, and increasingly involving political philosophy. What Should We Do with Our Brain? is one of … [Read more...] about 30DoS 2020 – Day 13