Something for the weekend: Pedagogy of the Oppressed: Design Theory For Our FuturesWhat is it like to be a philosopher?The Explorative Nature of Heideggerian LogicWhy we need to diversify expertiseThorstein Veblen and the Myth of the Academic OutsiderHospitals without walls: The future of healthcareThe dark matter of digital healthPhysical Therapy in the Time of Pandemic: Then and NowSpecial Issue: Global Perspectives on the Post-Qualitative Turn in Qualitative InquiryThe Scientific Method: An Evolution of Thinking from Darwin to Dewey100 Years of Optimizing MovementWhither medical professionalismIs resilience a unique extension rather than a rejection of neoliberalism?The crisis in … [Read more...] about CPN Digest #128
Doing too much
A recent short paper in the journal Sociology of Health & Illnesshas offered some important insights into overdiagnosis and overtreatment (Armstrong, 2021). For some years now, health service managers have argued that there is ‘too much medicine’ in healthcare, and have used the language of cost containment and ‘Choosing wisely’ to increase professional accountability. But health professionals have themselves been concerned with too much reliance on expert advice, and have criticised other competing professions for encouraging patients’ dependence on the therapist for the cure (Traeger et al., 2017; Baldwin et al., 2015; Copnell, 2018). What’s really interesting about the … [Read more...] about Doing too much
CPN Digest #127
Something for the weekend: Integrating the arts and humanities into nursingSearching for Consolation in Max Weber’s Work Ethic‘My Master and Friend’: Social Networks and Professional Identity in American Medicine, 1789–1815CfP: International Society of Critical health Psychology conference (Jenny Setchell hosting Australian hub)Treating gynecological pain: key factors in promoting body awareness and movement in somatocognitive therapy (SCT)Phenomenology and hermeneutics as a basis for sensitivity within health careMusculoskeletal Physical Therapy After COVID-19: Time for a New “Normal”Baby walkers through historyThe professional development and career journey into musculoskeletal first … [Read more...] about CPN Digest #127