Without wanting to sound like a pollyanna, I sometimes wonder if I'm not the luckiest man alive. I live in a beautiful country where human and natural disasters can often seem a long way away; I'm well paid for a job I love; I have ready access to fresh food and water; I'm healthy, and can fall back on public services that have reliably educated my children, emptied my rubbish bins, and generally kept the lights on. I live in a democracy where I can vote to bring about a change, I enjoy a free press, long hot summers, and TV channels that show regular baseball. There are billions of people around the world, who would give their right arm to be blessed with only half of these things. Bill … [Read more...] about Check your privilege: Diagnosing cultural agnosia
Some notes on dependance and independence
From Jonathan Harvey I am writing this brief note from my hospital bed. I have broken an ankle following a slip and am having an open reduction, internal fixation operation to fix my Fibula bone later today. Eleven years ago, I had a brain injury which was far more serious, and during that time and for several years after, I required a fair amount of care and support. Being in hospital again has made think carefully about the issues of dependence, independence and interdependence. In particular this experience has reminded me of the problematic way I conceptualise the importance of independence and how I view dependence as something to be avoided at all costs. I would argue that the … [Read more...] about Some notes on dependance and independence
Re-blogging 'Critical digital pedagogy: a definition'
Apologies for appropriating this blogpost from the brilliant Jesse Stommel and the Hybrid Pedagogy site in its entirety, but it says so many things about the critical project that is required in our physiotherapy teaching and learning that I wanted to promote it. It says some things about our embryonic Critical Physiotherapy Network project that are also worth reflecting on as well. You can link to the original source here. “Pedagogy is not ideologically neutral.” This line has been for me almost a mantra over the last several years. I’ve said variations of it on , on the page of , on the site for the Hybrid Pedagogy Inc. non-profit, and in our recent CFP focused on Critical Digital … [Read more...] about Re-blogging 'Critical digital pedagogy: a definition'