Here are a few highlights from the web over the last couple of weeks that might be of interest. This Longform article Autobiography of a body tells a really powerful story of a young woman's struggle with sexuality and disability: "Grealy visited the Sex Maniacs’ Ball in London, an annual event hosted by the Outsiders, an organization that promotes sexual freedom for the disabled. There she discovered that her sexuality was “part of something I am, a state of being rather than a state of action. And that’s true whatever my body looks like from the outside.” This piece from The Washington Post, features Sam Tsemberis, a psychologist whose radical solution to the problem of … [Read more...] about Critical physiotherapy – best of the web update
Physiotherapy education as a gated community
In what ways does access to physiotherapy eduction function like a gated community? Because physiotherapy is such a popular programme - often one of the most popular in the entire university - we often get to choose which students we enrol. There are many ways to decide who enters the gated community and who does not. We might choose to offer places to people who represent the community they are going to serve; embody our professional values; or who will diversify the profession's profile. Most often though, we decide on the basis of academic performance and the evaluation of an interview or other face-to-face encounter. The rationale is that physiothearpy is an intensive, complex … [Read more...] about Physiotherapy education as a gated community
Radical new graduating competencies for physiotherapists
It was a reasonably modest event at WCPT (but then what isn't compared to the scale of the congress!), and so you'd be forgiven for missing it, but the formal launch of the new Threshold Standards for physiotherapists in Australia and New Zealand could actually be one of the most significant events to have happened in physiotherapy in recent years (to view the standards, click this link: Threshold standards Australia NZ 2015). For the uninitiated, the standards are the culmination of an enormous trans-Tasman project to align the graduating competencies and capabilities of all the schools in Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand. The project was commissioned by the Australian Physiotherapy … [Read more...] about Radical new graduating competencies for physiotherapists