Amy Hiller has been a member of the CPN from its inception and she recently presented at the Critical Physiotherapy Forum at the Australian Physiotherapy Association conference. She is a musculoskeletal physiotherapist, a qualitative researcher and an educator. Amy is currently a PhD candidate at the University of Melbourne where she investigates communication in physiotherapy. I interviewed her about her PhD work. What got you interested in exploring patient-physiotherapist interactions to start with? I have always enjoyed listening to people’s stories and trying to understand each individual and their unique circumstances through my clinical work. It was, however, after my year … [Read more...] about Interview: Amy Hiller
member eBulletin 2016(01)
published 31 January 2016 Welcome to the member e-Bulletin ... your digest of content posted to the site during the last month. What's new Network membership continues to grow :-) We've had over 30 people join the network since the new year which brings our membership to nearly 380 people! It's really exciting to see how quickly the network is growing as people either come across our site on their travels online, or through the recommendations of others. So whether you've just joined the network or are a long-standing member, thank you for your support & for helping spread the word about the CPN. From the blog January's blog featured an exciting mix of media. There's a video … [Read more...] about member eBulletin 2016(01)
El resquebrajamiento de la division discapacidad/normalidad
un blog escrito por A/Prof Barbara Gibson traduccion por Viviana Silva Guerrera (muchas gracias!!) Mi nuevo libro Rehabilitation: A post-critical approach (Rehabilitación: Un enfoque post-crítico) fue escrito para ayudar a los estudiantes de rehabilitación y practicantes a hacer vínculos entre la investigación crítica y lo que podría significar para la práctica. Un capítulo clave en el libro explora la forma como sociedad pensamos en "normalidad" como un estado preferido del ser, y cómo esto lo llevamos encima en nuestras prácticas de rehabilitación. Aquí proporciono una visión general de esta discusión. La normalización de las prácticas en la rehabilitación ayudan a sostener las … [Read more...] about El resquebrajamiento de la division discapacidad/normalidad