CPN Exec member Alma Viviana Silva frequently translates blogposts into Spanish for us. Here she has translated the recent post Fit for physiotherapy? (link to original) Huge thanks go to Viviana for this. Over time, we hope to be able to offer blogposts in many other languages to reach beyond the limits of the anglophone world, so if you would like to help out translating the odd post into Norwegian, Mandarin, Urdu or another language, please get in touch. p.s. you can find 12 different translations of the CPN's Constitution here . Es esto apto para la fisioterapia? Tal vez uno de los mayores desafíos que enfrenta la profesión de fisioterapia en el futuro no será si se … [Read more...] about Fit for physiotherapy (Spanish)?
Fit for Physiotherapy?
Perhaps one of the greatest challenges facing the physiotherapy profession in the future will not be whether it can secure the necessary economic and political support to remain at the forefront of physical medicine, but whether it wants to take what's on offer. Throughout its history, physiotherapy has benefited from world events that have consolidated the profession's relationship with the State, the public, and the medical profession (think here of the growth in the profession's size and status as a result of World War I, the polio epidemics, the birth of the welfare state, etc.). But these have all nurtured our image as a caring profession in service of the entire population. Health … [Read more...] about Fit for Physiotherapy?
Call for critical thinkers
This message comes from CPN member and Naked Physio blogger Paul Lagerman, and goes out to anyone in the profession who would like to participate in Paul's excellent Naked Physio blog: I'm the creator of the naked physio blog and podcast and also part of the CPN network. I'm looking for clinicians to come onto the naked physio podcast to share their knowledge and experience of their clinical role and expertise in all specialist fields. I am also looking to discuss your thoughts on the changing landscape of healthcare, the supporting evidence and how this is disseminated at the clinical front line. I am also very open to thoughts and ideas on topics that may have an indirect … [Read more...] about Call for critical thinkers