In this post, Norwegian physiotherapy lecturer, researcher and hippotherapy practitioner Tobba Sudman talks about Erving Goffman's book Presentation of self in everyday life. Spanish translation provided by CPN Exec member Alma Viviana Silva. Presentation of self in everyday life (1959) was Goffman’s first of 11 books, detailing social interaction as a bridge over the actor-structure divide in social theory. Goffman’s key message is that social interaction is a moral and precarious endeavor, in which we all are embedded. Social interaction is communication with all kinds of signs and micro-behavior, designed for mutual impression management, interpretation and creation of working … [Read more...] about Tobba Sudmann – Presentation of self in everyday life – 30DoS #5
Jenny Setchell – Meeting the Universe Halfway – 30DoS #4
In this post, CPN co-founder and Exec member Jenny Setchell talks about Karen Barad's book Meeting the Universe Halfway. Spanish translation provided by CPN Exec member Alma Viviana Silva. Karen Barad, a quantum physicist and post-humanist philosopher, blew my mind with her first book. It is 500+ pages so quite a read, but well worth it. I particularly recommend this book for those of you who question what comes after social constructionism. Building on the work of theorists such as Butler, Hacking, Foucault, Deleuze and Haraway, as well as quantum physicist Bohr, Barad describes an ontology called ‘agential realism’. “Barad extends and partially revises Bohr’s philosophical views in … [Read more...] about Jenny Setchell – Meeting the Universe Halfway – 30DoS #4
Siri Moe – How the Body Shapes the Mind – 30DoS #3
In this post, Norwegian physiotherapist, teacher and researcher Siri Moe talks about Shaun Gallagher's book How the body shapes the mind. Spanish translation provided by CPN Exec member Alma Viviana Silva. The American philosopher Shaun Gallagher published the book “How the body shapes the mind” in 2005. As a result of extensive collaboration with scientists from other disciplines, like neurologists and psychologists the author redefines the understanding of the relationship between the phenomenal consciousness and the physical body. He is focusing on proprioception related to embodiment. His work is a supplement and an extension of Merleau-Ponty's phenomenology of the body, and he … [Read more...] about Siri Moe – How the Body Shapes the Mind – 30DoS #3