If you are new to the CPN or this 30 Day of September campaign, we run a month of daily posts on a different topic each year. This year we are focusing on ideas, articles, books, films, etc., that have inspired members of the Network. There will be a different post from a different CPN member each day until the end of the month. Thinking Allowed is a 30 minute, weekly radio discussion programme which focuses on the latest social science research as well as casting historical perspectives on the gurus of sociology and philosophy (for example a recent programme on the ideas and legacy of French Sociologist Pierre Bordieu http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b07gg1kb ). The programme is hosted … [Read more...] about Fiona Moffatt – Thinking allowed – 30DoS #14
Thomas Abrams – Dis/Abling Practices – 30DoS #13
“Disabling Practices” applies a science and technology studies lens to Disability Studies and the sociology of blindness. Drawing on ethnographic work in the North of England, Schillmeier follows the disclosure of visual disability in currency use, how relations between human bodies and money technologies cause visual disability to emerge. The emphasis moves from problem bodies to problem relations. Dis/ability is not solely in bodies or in barriers—as the social or medical models would have it—but unfolds in the interaction between bodies, senses and things (the subtitle of Schillmeier, 2010, integrating this 2007 article). I first read Schillmeier’s work in my M.A. research, in … [Read more...] about Thomas Abrams – Dis/Abling Practices – 30DoS #13
Anna Rajala – Phenomenology of spirit – 30DoS #12
Phenomenology of Spirit (1807) is perhaps Hegel’s most influential work, especially through Marx’s critique that “stood Hegel on his head”: Marx inverted Hegel’s idealist absolutism into dialectical materialism. In the Phenomenology Hegel describes the dialectical experience and development of consciousness from sense-certainty, perception, understanding and self-consciousness to absolute knowing. Hegel argues in the famous passage titled ‘Lordship and Bondage’ that self-consciousness exists only insofar it exists in the world of others and is acknowledged by others. This idea of subject formation as social, as the need for mutual recognition, has influenced many philosophers, both who … [Read more...] about Anna Rajala – Phenomenology of spirit – 30DoS #12