Tell us a little about your current work and study, especially how you think and practice critically My name is Nadia El-Seoud. I am a physiotherapist and Ph.D.-candidate at the University, Bremen (Germany). It is my aim to support the physiotherapy’s developing-process by uncovering opportunities for development. My focus is on physiotherapy in the context of living conditions. My current study explores a living environment oriented physiotherapy. What do you bring to the CPN? I support a critical thinking physiotherapy with my values like equity and encourage social cohesion. Therefore, I use the spirit of the social sciences in addition to my interest and my experiences as a … [Read more...] about Nadia El-Seoud – 30 DoS – Day 4
CPN Digest #156
Something for the weekend: Midwives, Nurse Practitioners, and the Physicians Who (Still) Find Them ThreateningThinking with autoethnography in collaborative research: A critical, reflexive approach to relational ethicsHearing Gloves and Seeing Tongues? Disability, Sensory Substitution and the Origins of the Neuroplastic SubjectExoskeletons, Rehabilitation and Bodily CapacitiesSartre on the Body in “Being and Nothingness”Humility in health care: A modelHealth Promotion Practice podcast collectionTracking towards care: Relational affordances of self-tracking in gym cultureEthnography in Health Services Research: Oscillation Between Theory and PracticeSpare Rib, The British Women’s Health … [Read more...] about CPN Digest #156
Ralph Hammond – 30DoS – Day 3
My interest in critical physiotherapy was stimulated by work on clinical effectiveness I did in the 1990s, when I discovered how few widely used outcome measures were available in the languages many people in the UK speak; it made me realise how narrowly anglocentric physiotherapy in the UK is. I have been trying to question and understand my own privileged, normative, history ever since. I’m a father; a white, middle-class, heterosexual, English, man. I’m a physiotherapist by profession. I work clinically as a stroke coordinator; I conduct reviews of how people are reconstructing their lives, at 6 months post-stroke, physically, mentally, emotionally. I’m interested in how … [Read more...] about Ralph Hammond – 30DoS – Day 3