Hi! My name is Cécile; I am a French physiotherapy, a PhD student in public health and a teacher. I am also a 43 years old young mother. After fifteen years of a rather tiring private practice in a medium-sized town in the south of France, I am back at school with the hope and intuition that it will bring a breath of fresh air to my routine. I discovered the human and social sciences; it was a revelation! I understand the potential of these theoretical tools for my practice. It's invigorating! I can finally begin to understand the inner workings of the situations that have marked my experience. At last, I can see the sand grains that were in the way of my development. Because I was aware … [Read more...] about Cécile Abboudi – 30 DoS – Day 10
Chris Higgs – 30 DoS – Day 9
Chris Higgs is the Clinical Education Programme Lead at the University of Otago, School of Physiotherapy in Dunedin. He is involved with Clinical Education in the Undergraduate Programme, predominantly in the area of lifestyle interventions for people with long-term health conditions. His clinical and research work primarily focuses on community group exercise and education interventions for people with diabetes and associated multi-morbidity. He commenced his Motivational Interviewing (MI) journey in 2009 completing a Postgraduate Certificate in Health Sciences (Health Behaviour Change). Since then, he has led undergraduate and postgraduate MI training with physiotherapy students and … [Read more...] about Chris Higgs – 30 DoS – Day 9
Jenny Nissler – 30 DoS – Day 8
I’ve not been an active member of the CPN to date, but I am an interested one. I’m not an academic, which is my perception of the mainstay of this group, but I do think and care deeply about our profession. I was invited to the group by a one-time colleague at the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy who was a founding member of the CPN. Many professional practice issues were discussed as part of a service supporting UK physiotherapists, doing our utmost to help each person with their particular situation, developing our own and their own critical thinking with each one. I was a sporty child and young woman who switched to a sporty version of physiotherapy from a BA in Sport and Recreation, … [Read more...] about Jenny Nissler – 30 DoS – Day 8