Something for the weekend: The importance of having a room of one’s own The queer life of things: Performance, affect, and the more-than-human ‘I plugged my nebuliser into a riot van’: what is it like being disabled at a festival? Racial Disparities in Postdischarge Rehab After Traumatic Injury The necessity of a relational ethics alongside Noddings’ ethics of care in narrative inquiry “How Humans Learn” and the Future of Education Philosophy should care about the filthy, excessive and unclean How to evaluate the contributions made by qualitative researchers working in the health sciences Standard tools for non-standard care: The values and scripts of a person-centred … [Read more...] about CPN Digest #38
Critique of the biomedical model #2
The second major critique of the biomedical model is less about the model itself, and more about the arrogance and hubris that it engenders in its followers. Since the 1950s, dozens of writers have taken biomedicine to task for its hegemonic power (meaning its ‘preponderant influence or authority over others’ ) and control over the way we think about health and illness. People like Elliot Freidson, Terry Johnson, Magali Sarfatti Larson, Anne Witz, Ivan Illich, Mike Saks, and Anthony Giddens have offered scathing critiques of the biomedical model. The biomedical model, they argue, attempts to penetrate too deeply into people’s lives, leaving little room for other ways of … [Read more...] about Critique of the biomedical model #2
CPN Digest #37
Something for the weekend: How ballerinas defy the corporeal in a quest for the etherealAgency, Embodiment and Enactment in Psychosomatic Theory and PracticeLife Unworthy of Life: The Nazi Programs to Kill People with DisabilitiesHow To Cure Evidence B(i)ased PhysiotherapyHow cerebral palsy became TV comedy goldA history of indigenous resistanceAboriginal Australians want culturally appropriate care after brain injuryManaging the (in)visibility of chronic illness at workTransformative learning as pedagogy for the health professionsKnowledge embodiment of human and machine interactionsBourdieu and interprofessional education: what’s the relevance?Experiences with Racism in the … [Read more...] about CPN Digest #37