Something for the weekend: Who is doing inter- and transdisciplinary research, and why?The world’s to 50 thinkers 2019Derrida and Foucault. Philosophy, Politics, and Polemics (2017)Yoga for prisonersSensor-filled skin gives prosthetic hand a better sense of touchMarxism and Buddhism on pain and sufferingOn how to disagreeWhat Contributions, if Any, Can Non-Indigenous Researchers Offer Toward Decolonizing Health Research?Problematization, with Foucault, Bachelard and DeleuzeSpecial Issue on the Anthropocene in the Study of Higher EducationJane Austen’s exercise planDesign crash test dummies to look like men and more women die in car accidentsThe Anthropology of Sport, Bodies, Borders, … [Read more...] about CPN Digest #46
Affect, Knowledge and Embodiment (Spanish translation)
La semana pasada asistí a un taller llamado: Afecto, Conocimiento y Encarnación. Fue parte de una serie de talleres de Arte / Investigación Feminista Crítica que incluyó charlas sobre métodos visuales participativos, ficción sociológica y creación de revistas, que nos presentaron la Dra. Ashleigh Watson, la Dra. Laura Rodríguez Castro y Samantha Trayhurn. ¿Qué es un zine? “Un zine es una publicación clandestina con mensajes políticos sin censura donde puedes expresarte sin las limitaciones de los medios de comunicación” Había dos actividades esenciales que necesitábamos hacer en preparación para el taller: 1. Traer algunas notas escritas a mano o impresas, reacciones, … [Read more...] about Affect, Knowledge and Embodiment (Spanish translation)
Affect, Knowledge and Embodiment
Last week I attended a workshop called: Affect, Knowledge and Embodiment. It was part of a Critical Feminist Arts/Research workshop series that involved talks on participatory visual methods, sociological fiction, and zine making, brought to us by Dr Ashleigh Watson, Dr Laura Rodriguez Castro, and Samantha Trayhurn. What is a zine? “A zine is an underground publication with political messages without censorship. You can express yourself without the constraints of media” There were two essential activities that we needed to do in preparation for the workshop: 1. To bring some handwritten or printed notes, reactions, thoughts or scribbles on Sara Ahmed’s recent lecture ‘On … [Read more...] about Affect, Knowledge and Embodiment