published 31 January 2016 Welcome to the member e-Bulletin ... your digest of content posted to the site during the last month. What's new Network membership continues to grow :-) We've had over 30 people join the network since the new year which brings our membership to nearly 380 people! It's really exciting to see how quickly the network is growing as people either come across our site on their travels online, or through the recommendations of others. So whether you've just joined the network or are a long-standing member, thank you for your support & for helping spread the word about the CPN. From the blog January's blog featured an exciting mix of media. There's a video … [Read more...] about member eBulletin 2016(01)
member eBulletin 2015(11)
Published 30 November 2015 Welcome to the member e-Bulletin ... your digest of content posted to the site during the last month. Thanks to members who posted feedback on October's edition of the eBulletin (copy available here). Your feedback supported the idea of producing a member eBulletin in principle - published on either a fortnighly or a monthly basis. You asked me to review presentation/format of content & offered some great ideas about the sorts of things you'd like to see in the eBulletin. I hope that you'll see some of those ideas starting to appear through the eBulletin over the coming months. What's new Since launching the registration form towards the end of … [Read more...] about member eBulletin 2015(11)