Das Critical Physiotherapy Network (CPN) wurde im Jahr 2014 gegründet und vereint mittlerweile über 700 Kliniker_Innen, Wissenschaftler_Innen, Lehrende und Studierende aus 51 Ländern. Im Juli 2020 traf sich zum ersten Mal ein deutschsprachiger Zweig des CPN, um für den deutschsprachigen Raum spezifische Aspekte einer kritischen Physiotherapie auszuloten. In den Ersten drei Treffen haben wir uns vornehmlich mit der grundlegenden Frage einer kritischen Physiotherapie befasst: Was diese ist, warum sie notwendig ist, was sie tut und für die Zukunft der Physiotherapie tun kann. Weiterhin haben wir uns damit befasst unsere Interessen, Wünsche und Hoffnungen zu diskutieren und, anhand dieser … [Read more...] about Der deutschsprachige Zweig des CPN lädt ein
CPN Online Workshop: Coming face to face with our racism in physiotherapy
This online workshop has been compiled and organised by CPN member Louie Howie in collaboration with colleagues Ciara Hughes and Scarlet Sumagr. It is on Wednesday 2nd Sept 2020 at 7pm UK time. See below for full details, times and the meeting link. This workshop is designed for White physiotherapists who have a willingness to progress in their anti-racism journey and to lean in to some discomfort in a supportive environment. It offers a frame and a set of practices to help them understand their own blocks and better support non-White patients in a non-dehumanising way. These practices would also be useful for White people working to support moves toward workforce racial … [Read more...] about CPN Online Workshop: Coming face to face with our racism in physiotherapy
Physiotherapy students at The National University of Colombia go on hunger strike
"This is a framework of reality for public university students from poor countries facing the pandemic, in ignorance of who their students were, are, and will no longer be. Today on hunger strike !!!" Aydee Luisa Robayo, CPN Exec member and Associate Professor in the Facultad de Medicina, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, told us yesterday of the dire situation now facing students and staff in her faculty. Students have begun a hunger strike to protest the impossibility of paying their fees for the next academic period. All clinical practices have closed and, as Aydee says, COVID has revealed: "the false mirage of telerehabilitation as an option to continue in daily life, the one … [Read more...] about Physiotherapy students at The National University of Colombia go on hunger strike
Report from the first Latin-American CPN session in Barranquilla, Colombia
CPN Blog about the Latin-American Session On the 30thof October we had our first Latin-American CPN session in Barranquilla, Colombia. It involved talks from the founder and co-chair of the CPN, Professor Dave Nicholls, Co-chair Alma Viviana Silva and member of CPN executive, Dr Aydee Robayo with a 30 minute Q & A session. Following these talks was a practical session where we produced a physio-zine on the day.As I mentioned in a previous post: “A zine is an underground publication with political messages without censorship. You can express yourself without the constraints of media” There were two essential activities needed in preparation for the … [Read more...] about Report from the first Latin-American CPN session in Barranquilla, Colombia
El 30 de Octubre tuvimos nuestra primera sesión latinoamericana de CPN en Barranquilla
El 30 de octubre tuvimos nuestra primera sesión latinoamericana de CPN en Barranquilla, Colombia. Involucró conversaciones del fundador y copresidente de la CPN, el profesor Dave Nicholls, la co-presidenta Alma Viviana Silva y la miembro del comite ejecutivo de la CPN, la Dra. Aydee Robayo, seguida de una sesión de preguntas y respuestas de 30 minutos. Después de estas charlas hubo una sesión práctica en la que produjimos una fisio-zine ese día. Como mencioné en una publicación anterior: “Un zine es una publicación clandestina con mensajes políticos sin censura. Donde puedes expresarte sin las limitaciones de los medios de comunicación " Se necesitaban dos actividades esenciales en … [Read more...] about El 30 de Octubre tuvimos nuestra primera sesión latinoamericana de CPN en Barranquilla
Launching the NEW Environmental Physiotherapy Association
Physiotherapy has needed an international association dedicated to the environment for some time, and not only because we now have social media that allows us to connect across the globe, but because life on our planet is imperilled. The climate crisis now facing us is beyond doubt, and everyone - especially those with the kinds of social capital held by physiotherapists - has a responsibility to act. Physiotherapy has always been a ‘low carbon’ profession, and the environment has always been a part of our work, but it has never been celebrated overtly before, or thought of as a place where our work can make a significant impact. We hope that is about to change. Last month Filip … [Read more...] about Launching the NEW Environmental Physiotherapy Association
Affect, Knowledge and Embodiment (Spanish translation)
La semana pasada asistí a un taller llamado: Afecto, Conocimiento y Encarnación. Fue parte de una serie de talleres de Arte / Investigación Feminista Crítica que incluyó charlas sobre métodos visuales participativos, ficción sociológica y creación de revistas, que nos presentaron la Dra. Ashleigh Watson, la Dra. Laura Rodríguez Castro y Samantha Trayhurn. ¿Qué es un zine? “Un zine es una publicación clandestina con mensajes políticos sin censura donde puedes expresarte sin las limitaciones de los medios de comunicación” Había dos actividades esenciales que necesitábamos hacer en preparación para el taller: 1. Traer algunas notas escritas a mano o impresas, reacciones, … [Read more...] about Affect, Knowledge and Embodiment (Spanish translation)