Ciências e Saúde Coletiva To publish debates, analyses, and results of research on a Specific Theme considered current and relevant to the field of Collective Health. Link to website: Silva, V. A. D., Busnello, A. R. R., Cavassin, R. C., Loureiro, A. P. C., Moser, A. D. L., & Carvalho, D. R. (2020). Physiotherapy access for children and adolescents with physical disabilities in public institutions. Cien Saude Colet, 25(7), 2859-2870. da Silva, I. D., & Silveira, M. F. (2011). The humanization and the formation of the professional in … [Read more...] about 30DoS 2020 – Day 26
30DoS 2020 – Day 25
Mark Fisher Mark Fisher, also known as k-punk, was a writer, critic, cultural theorist, philosopher and teacher based in Goldsmiths, University of London. Sadly, Fisher passed away in 2017. Although his blog is not updated anymore, it contains loads of writings over the years. Fisher is best know for blogging as k-punk on radical politics, music and popular culture. In Capitalist Realism: Is There No Alternative, Fisher describes ‘capitalist realism’ as "the widespread sense that not only is capitalism the only viable political and economic system, but also that it is now impossible even to imagine a coherent alternative to it". Fisher’s argument has implications for healthcare, as he … [Read more...] about 30DoS 2020 – Day 25
30DoS 2020 – Day 24
Saúde e Sociadade To disseminate critical and reflective scientific output related to the Public/Collective Health field; to publicize new approaches; to host the technical output which brings forth the results of relevant pieces for the progress of the debate on challenging health topics; to validate articles prioritizing the interface between health and social and human sciences. Link to website: Salmória, J., & Camargo, W. (2008). Approaching the Signs - Physiotherapy and Health - to the Human and Social Aspects . Saúde E Sociedade, 17(1), 73-84. Chesani, F. (2013). The academic … [Read more...] about 30DoS 2020 – Day 24
30DoS 2020 – Day 23
MindMeister MindMeister is a free mind mapping tool. It offers visual tools for developing and sharing ideas. You can share your mind maps with as many colleagues as you want. You can also collaborate with them in real-time, create presentations, and manage your project. MindMeister also offers storage space to save your mind maps and organise them into folders. It is quick to use and it offers loads of features to mind mapping. Link to website: Zotero Zotero is an open-source reference assistant. It is free to use and enables you to collect, share, cite and organise research. Zotero is a sofware that … [Read more...] about 30DoS 2020 – Day 23
30DoS 2020 – Day 22
Sci-hub The first pirate website in the world to provide mass and public access to tens of millions of research papers. Link to website: Mendeley Mendeley is a reference management tool that can also be used to share reserach papers and connect with other researchers in the network. Mendeley keep track of how many users read the papers you have shared and allows you to share and annotate research papers withing private groups. You can create a library that you can access anytime and generate references, citations and bibliographies in a range of journal styles. Mendeley helps to oraginise and collaborate. Link to website: … [Read more...] about 30DoS 2020 – Day 22
30DoS 2020 – Day 21
Phenomenology & Practice Phenomenology & Practice is a human science journal dedicated to the study of the lived experience of a broad range of human practices. These include (but are not limited to) the professional practices of pedagogy, design, counseling, psychology, social work, and health science. Increasingly, researchers and practitioners in these and other fields are adapting interpretive methodologies to address questions related to practice. Link to website: Bjorbækmo, W., Evensen, K. V., Groven, K. S., Rugseth, G., & Standal, Ø. F. (2018). Phenomenology of Professional Practices in Education and … [Read more...] about 30DoS 2020 – Day 21
30DoS 2020 – Day 20
Trello Trello is a tool for collaborative working. It has boards, lists, and cards that you can use for organising your collaborative projects. Trello offers at one glance what the project collaborators are up to and what reimains to be done for your project. It has a project planning board that helps to keep on schedule. Lin to website: Social Science & Medicine Social Science & Medicine provides an international and interdisciplinary forum for the dissemination of social science research on health. We publish original research articles (both empirical and theoretical), reviews, position papers and … [Read more...] about 30DoS 2020 – Day 20