I am a Senior Instructor in the Department of Physical Therapy at the University of Manitoba in Winnipeg, Canada. I have been a physiotherapist for over 20 years and have had the opportunity to work in Canada, Australia and the United Kingdom. My latest adventure, closer to home, is that I am a part-time PhD student. I believe that my combination of being a mid-career physiotherapist and educator, and an early PhD student brings a somewhat unique perspective to the CPN. I recognize a vast amount of privilege that I have experienced in my life, and have long been an ally to those who do not experience the same privilege. I am new to the CPN, having been introduced by my PhD … [Read more...] about Liz Harvey – 30 DoS – Day 23
Aydee Luisa Robayo – 30 DoS – Day 22
Tell us a little about her current work and study, especially how she thinks and practices herself critically? I am a physiotherapist who works in a public institution, the same one from which I graduated, there I am a professor of hospital practice. In the pregado I am in charge, interest and pleasure, the class of History, transformations and perspectives of physiotherapy. It is a subject for newcomers to the university. I have others in my charge, but in her and for her, since I went to David's presentation in Cape Town, I got closer to thinking critically THE stories in the profession, the places of power and the interpretative frameworks of the models that install some. And other … [Read more...] about Aydee Luisa Robayo – 30 DoS – Day 22
Barbara Gibson – 30 DoS – Day 21
Tell us a little about her current work and study, especially how she thinks and practices herself critically? I am a Professor at the University of Toronto in Canada, where my research focuses on how disability is theorised, understood, and addressed in rehabilitation. I draw on critical disability studies and post-human theories to explore the possibilities for reimagining PT and rehab through an ‘ethic of openness’. These ideas are explored in my book, Rehabilitation: A post critical approach. My teaching focuses on developing critical reflexivity and anti-oppression lenses with physiotherapy students within our ‘SPEC’ Curriculum (Social, political, ethical and cultural dimensions … [Read more...] about Barbara Gibson – 30 DoS – Day 21
Roel van Oorsouw – 30 DoS – Day 20
Tell us a little about your current work and study, especially how you think and practice critically. My name is Roel van Oorsouw. I am a physical therapist working in a University Medical Centre in the Netherlands, typically working with critically ill patients admitted to an intensive care unit (ICU). Two years ago, I started a PhD trajectory studying patient experiences during ICU stay and ICU recovery, mainly using phenomenology research designs. I am convinced that phenomenology has a lot to offer for physical therapy. Reading this kind of studies has brought me an incredible amount of understanding to the, often confusing, clinical context. Alongside with the technical and … [Read more...] about Roel van Oorsouw – 30 DoS – Day 20
Tobba Sudmann – 30 DoS – Day 19
1. Tell us a little about your current work and study, especially how you think and practice critically I’m affiliated to Western Norway University of Applied Sciences HVL as a full professor of public health and academic head of the PhD-program Health, function and participation. My work includes teaching and supervising MA and PhD students, and research. In addition to my work at HVL, I have a small clinical practice with riding physiotherapy. The critical element in my teaching, supervising, practice, and research emerges as a critical appreciation of anything and everything that crosses my desk or enters into my everyday life. I am … [Read more...] about Tobba Sudmann – 30 DoS – Day 19
Michael Rowe – 30 DoS – Day 18
Tell us a little about your current work and study, especially how you think and practice critically. I spend a lot of time thinking about how we use technology in teaching and learning, and especially around how uncritically we have implemented online learning over the past 18 months; it's like we took the worst version of online learning that was possible and just went with that. I think we can do better. Lately, I've also been thinking about the nature of knowledge work and the practices of knowledge workers. In particular, I'm trying to figure out how and why we do what we do, and whether this is something worth paying more attention to. My impression is that academics not only … [Read more...] about Michael Rowe – 30 DoS – Day 18
Niko Brenner – 30 DoS – Day 17
Tell us a little about your current work and study, especially how you think and practice critically. Hi, I'm Niko, my pronouns are they/them, I have just finished my final year of an undergrad Physiotherapy programme in the UK and am thrilled to have secured a junior role in my top choice organisation. Aside from my studies, my main work currently involves creating a trans healthcare e-learning course with an interdisciplinary group of healthcare students and professionals. This course will be open-access for healthcare students and qualified healthcare professionals to learn more about trans identities and trans peoples’ specific healthcare needs. My final year research project at … [Read more...] about Niko Brenner – 30 DoS – Day 17