Did you know that you can translate the content of the CPN website into Norwegian, Portuguese, Spanish or Swedish? If you want to read content in one of those languages, scroll up towards the top right hand corner of your screen and click on the flag/language of your choice. Google translate will do the rest. We have chosen the main languages of the countries where the majority of our members work and live. If there is another language you think we should add to the list, please get in touch. Updated FAQs The frequently asked questions have been updated in response to feedback from members. Please visit the FAQ's page if you are looking for information to help you join the … [Read more...] about Jo’s web log (June 2017): a new function and updated FAQs
counting down to ER-WCPT2016
With less than a week to go to ER-WCPT2016 conference in Liverpool I've just downloaded the conference app (android version is available here)! Looking at the programme, I can see that there are a number of active CPN members presenting at ER-WCPT2016. On Friday morning, Catherine Sykes is a panellist in the 'Current population health from a European perspective' symposium and Michael Rowe is presenting a paper in the 'Learning in practice' platform presentation session. On Friday afternoon, Jonathan Harvey is a panellist in the Patient Voice symposium, and on Saturday morning Joanne Etherton is part of the 'Researching Physiotherapy Education' Rapid 5 session. And then there's the poster … [Read more...] about counting down to ER-WCPT2016
are you a CPN member attending ER-WCPT2016 in Liverpool?
ER-WCPT2016 is just under 1 month away and a couple of CPN members have been in touch to ask whether I know of other members who are going to Liverpool and whether there are plans for an informal CPN get-together at the event. Rather than leaving everything to chance, I’ve set up a ’group’ on the CPN website that members coming to ER-WCPT2016 can join. I hope the online space will allow us to network before we meet in Liverpool and should make organisation of an informal get-together a bit easier! To sign up to the ER-WCPT2016 ’group’ please visit https://www.criticalphysio.net & log in as a member. Once you have logged in, click on the ‘for members’ tab and select ‘groups’ from the … [Read more...] about are you a CPN member attending ER-WCPT2016 in Liverpool?
Can we establish a global paradigm for physiotherapy treatments?
Today's blogpost comes from CPN member Hazel Horobin. Hazel is a Senior Lecturer in Physiotherapy at the University of Brighton in the UK. I warmly welcome Jonathon Kruger as the new CEO of the WCPT. What an amazing job he steps into, representing physiotherapy/physical therapy globally. I guess though that one of the issues he will struggle with most is the national variations in professional recognition. This concept is frequently encapsulated as professional ‘autonomy’ and I would like to explore this. Our treatments are frequently thought of as being the consequence of reasoning processes (Norman, 2005). However, sociologists talk about issues of ‘structure’ and ‘agency’ when … [Read more...] about Can we establish a global paradigm for physiotherapy treatments?
member eBulletin 2016(01)
published 31 January 2016 Welcome to the member e-Bulletin ... your digest of content posted to the site during the last month. What's new Network membership continues to grow :-) We've had over 30 people join the network since the new year which brings our membership to nearly 380 people! It's really exciting to see how quickly the network is growing as people either come across our site on their travels online, or through the recommendations of others. So whether you've just joined the network or are a long-standing member, thank you for your support & for helping spread the word about the CPN. From the blog January's blog featured an exciting mix of media. There's a video … [Read more...] about member eBulletin 2016(01)
member eBulletin 2015(11)
Published 30 November 2015 Welcome to the member e-Bulletin ... your digest of content posted to the site during the last month. Thanks to members who posted feedback on October's edition of the eBulletin (copy available here). Your feedback supported the idea of producing a member eBulletin in principle - published on either a fortnighly or a monthly basis. You asked me to review presentation/format of content & offered some great ideas about the sorts of things you'd like to see in the eBulletin. I hope that you'll see some of those ideas starting to appear through the eBulletin over the coming months. What's new Since launching the registration form towards the end of … [Read more...] about member eBulletin 2015(11)
WCPT inaugural congress (London, 1953)
Film (16:55') produced by the CSP, published on YouTube 19 Feburary 2013 (to view the video via YouTube please visit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R7H4weMzieo) You will find more resources like this in the Network Library section of the website … [Read more...] about WCPT inaugural congress (London, 1953)