Apart from Feedly, one of the other tools recommended recently by Stephen Downes was Pocket. Think of Pocket like a personal magazine. Long articles are especially good in Pocket. You can add an icon to your browser and when you hit on an article you want to read later, click on Pocket and it stores it for you. Then, when you get the chance, you go to Pocket and you have your own curated readings laid out for you.
Link to website: https://getpocket.com
Link to YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/pocketco
Djamila Ribeiro
Ribiero is a Brazilian philosopher, black feminist, journalist, online blogger and social activist. Her 2018 book Quem tem medo do feminismo negro? (‘Who is afraid of black feminism?’), is a collection of articles that address topic such as social mobilisation, racial quota policies, and the origins of black feminism in Brazil and America. In the 2017 book, O Que é Lugar de Fala? (‘What is the standpoint of speech?’), she asks who has the right to a voice in a society that has whiteness, masculinity and heterosexuality as its norm? She has also written an anti-racist handbook, Pequeno manual antirracista (2019), written for those who want to deepen their perception of structural racist discrimination and take responsibility for transforming the situation.
Ribiero’s writing online: https://www.cartacapital.com.br/tag/djamila-ribeiro/
Ribeiro, Djamila (2018). Quem tem medo do feminismo negro? Companhia das Letras.
Ribeiro, Djamila (2019). Pequeno manual antirracista. Companhia das Letras.
Ribeiro, Djamila (2017). O Que é Lugar de Fala? Letramento/Justificando.
Theory, Culture & Society
Theory, Culture & Society is a highly ranked, high impact factor, rigorously peer reviewed journal that publishes original research and review articles in the social and cultural sciences. Launched to cater for the resurgence of interest in culture within contemporary social science, it provides a forum for articles which theorize the relationship between culture and society.
Link to website: https://journals.sagepub.com/home/tcs
Allen, B. (2020). Merleau-Ponty: Beauty, Phenomenology, and the ‘Theological Turn.’ Theory, Culture & Society. https://doi.org/10.1177/0263276420915268
Hoel, A. S., & Carusi, A. (2018). Merleau-Ponty and the Measuring Body. Theory, Culture & Society, 35(1), 45–70. https://doi.org/10.1177/0263276416688542
Hafiz, M. (2020). Smashing the Imperial Frame: Race, Culture, (De)Coloniality. Theory, Culture & Society, 37(1), 113–145. https://doi.org/10.1177/0263276419877674
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