Something for the weekend:
- Fragmented yet together: the disability movement in Sierra Leone
- Photovoice, emergency management and climate change: a comparative case-study approach
- Film, Comedy, and Disability – Understanding Humour and Genre in Cinematic Constructions of Impairment and Disability
- “Piercing This Wall”: Truth-Making in a Fascist World
- The slow interview? Developing key principles and practices
- Such a pretty Tsaritsa
- COVID 19 and medical humanities
- Sicko Doctors: Suffering and Sadism in 19th-Century America
- Public Philosophy and the Civic Duty of Universities
- COVID 19 spurs collaboration in telehealth
- The Body Electric review: an erotic centring of the female gaze at the National Gallery of Australia
- Five ways to ensure that models serve society: a manifesto
- How time vanishes: the more we study it, the more protean it seems
- How innovation works
- I’m very fond of hands, so I guess I just let them get bigger and bigger
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