Something for the weekend:
- Five breathtaking years – Life of breath
- Detachment, objectivity, imagination: A critique
- Hope and shamelessness
- Nietzsche: The truth is terrible
- H1N1 in the ‘A1 Empire’: Pandemic Influenza, Military Medicine, and the British Transition from War to Peace, 1918–1920
- The healing power of data: Florence Nightingale’s true legacy
- What is continental philosophy?
- Quinine, Whisky, and Epsom Salts: Amateur Medical Treatment in the White Settler Communities of British East and South-Central Africa, 1890–1939
- Using long-exposure technology to capture a Deleuzo–Bergsonian perspective of movement in qualitative research
- Wendy Mitchinson, Fighting Fat, Canada 1920–1980 – Book review
- Inequalities in life expectancy: An analysis of 201 countries, 1950–2015
- Neofeudalism: The end of capitalism? and this
- Edward Said’s life and afterlife
- Video: Blake Allen on ‘Merleau-Ponty: Beauty, Phenomenology, and the ‘Theological Turn”
- Systems of Philosophy: On Robert Brandom’s “A Spirit of Trust”
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