It is with great pleasure that we can inform you that after more than two years hard planning and preparation, and countless hours of research, writing, editing, and corresponding, the second-ever edited collection of critical physiotherapy writings has gone to the publishers for the final stage in the book’s production.
Mobilizing knowledge: Critical reflections on the foundations and practice of physiotherapy will be published by Routledge – one of the world’s leading publishers – and will be available later this year.
The book began its gestation in February 2018 and features 15 chapters, written by 39 different authors, including physiotherapists and 14 other professions from seven different countries.
At just over 100,000 words, it is going to be an impressive body of work, but could have been much bigger. We initially reviewed nearly 50 abstracts for chapters, showing just how vibrant the field of critical physiotherapy has now become.
As editors, we would like to take this opportunity to thank all of the authors and congratulate them on a truly phenomenal body of work. When you finally get to see the book we think you will agree that the level of scholarship, innovation and critical thinking is exemplary.
And as a special treat, if you would like to get an early taste of six of the chapters featured in the book, the authors will be discussing their work in the six free, open, online Critical Physiotherapy Courses running from May to October this year.
The first one in the series will be running on Zoom in just two weeks time. More information on dates and times will follow shortly.
Vive la revolution!
Dave Nicholls, Karen Synne Groven, Elizabeth Anne Kinsella, and Rani Lill Anjum (Editors)
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