Apart from this looking like a great subject for a supported PhD, it’s being supervised by one of the best UK health sociologists. A great opportunity for someone.
Karl Atkin and Sarah Nettleton in the Department of Health Sciences and the Department of Sociology, University of York, invite graduates to apply for a funded PhD Studentship in Ageing with Long-Term Chronic Disabling Conditions (UK/EU rates only). The PhD studentship, available on a full-time basis will start in January 2020. The successful candidate will be jointly supervised by Professor Karl Atkin (Department of Health Sciences) and Professor Sarah Nettleton (Department of Sociology).
Project details
The purpose of this studentship is to explore the sociological consequences of ageing with long-standing chronic disabling conditions, developed at birth or early in life. Increases in life expectancy mean many people who experience such conditions are now reaching later life. Sociological research on their experience is not extensive.
Drawing on key theoretical concepts associated with disability and ageing, in addition to the sociology of health and illness, the PhD thesis will help develop, refine and interpret ways of understanding the experience of adults, who have lived with chronic disabling conditions over a long period of time. Issues likely to be addressed include how people give meaning to their experience and locate it within an ageing trajectory, alongside the social negotiation of living with a long-term condition, which may include exploring family relationships, employment, education, physical environments and disadvantage. We anticipate the thesis to be qualitative, although we are open to proposals adopting mixed-method approaches.
The successful candidate may choose to focus on either one particular condition and/or disability or a range of conditions/disabilities, from which to generate an understanding of how people negotiate long-term disabling conditions across the life course.
The studentship would suit candidates who have studied social science at an undergraduate and/or postgraduate level and have an understanding and commitment to theoretically informed sociological approaches. This studentship provides a unique opportunity to help shape a major international research programme conducting high profile research, which furthers our understanding of ageing with a long-term condition.
Applications should be received no later than *Monday 7th October 2019 before 16:00h* UTC. Applications will not be considered for the studentship after this date.
Applicants are strongly encouraged to contact Professors Atkin or Nettleton before applying (karl.atkin@york.ac.uk /sarah.nettleton@york.ac.uk).
Applications can be made using either:
The Department of Health Sciences on-line application process http://www.york.ac.uk/study/postgraduate/courses/apply?course=DRPHSCSHSC3
The Department of Sociology on-line application process https://www.york.ac.uk/sociology/postgraduate/phd-mphil/mphil-phd-sociology/
For further details see:
Professor Sarah Nettleton FAcSS, Department of Sociology, University of York, Heslington, York, YO10 5DD, UK
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