Something for the weekend:
- Sporting Activities for Individuals Who Experienced Trauma During Their Youth: A Meta-Study
- It’s perfectly legal for doctors to charge huge amounts for surgery, but should it be allowed?
- Terry Eagleton on The History of Philosophy by AC Grayling
- The dancing species: how moving together in time helps make us human
- Robots aren’t coming for your job … management is
- The Biopsychosocial Model of Health and Disease: New Philosophical and Scientific Developments
- Foucault on painting
- Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and an Illness-Focused Approach to Care: Controversy, Morality, and Paradox
- Diversity Is Not Just About the Differences We Like
- Wrapping up the Disability in Grad School Series
- We can never possibly know how other people feel on the inside (℅ Catherine Sykes)
- End of Ayn Rand
- Crippled: Austerity and the demonization of disabled people
- A Critical Autoethnography of Aging with Cystic Fibrosis
- The Birth, Death, and Rebirth of Postmodernism
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