26th July 2018 Dept of Geography and Planning, The University of Liverpool
Keynote Speaker: Professor Dee Heddon, University of Glasgow
A one-day interdisciplinary event focused on walking research, practice and culture. Our definition of walking is welcoming to all kinds of bodies and includes orthotics, sticks, wheels and other assistive technologies. This symposium is open to students, academics and anyone else interested in exploring the more than pedestrian. We invite proposals for 20 minute paper presentations, but are also open to creative and innovative methods. We are also interested in facilitating a small number of walks. Subjects covered may include, but are not limited to:
- Walking interviews and other pedestrian research tools
- Creative walking, walking art and pedestrian performance
- Past, present and future psychogeographies
- Walking to critically engage with and understand our environment
- Walking as a political, activist or community building tool
- Ethical conflicts, barriers, issues and debates around walking research
- Access, participation and the privilege of walking as choice
- Research into, and around, pedestrian policy, planning and promotion
- Walking across and between academic disciplines
- Walking for leisure, education, health, tourism or exploration
This event will be free to attend thanks to support from the Power, Space and Cultural Change Research Group.
Please submit abstracts of around 250 words to Dr Morag Rose mlrose@liverpool.ac.uk by 5pm Friday 22nd June 2018. Include a title, your contact details and a brief biographical note. General booking details will be available soon, in the meantime please get in touch if you have any questions, comments or suggestions.
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