A few days ago, we received this request for help from one of HelpAge International’s disability advisors and thought it might be of interest to members:
From Diana Hiscock, Disability Advisor, ADCAP Project, HelpAge International
I am looking for contacts in two countries or regions to support HelpAge projects in their work.
1. Help Age International is working in Ukraine – http://www.helpage.org/what-we-do/emergencies/ukraine-crisis/ and I am trying to find OT’s or PT’s to provide support there.
I have tried to contact the Ukrainian Physiotherapy association without luck – so now I am looking for links and previous experience in this region. We are planning to bring in therapists to support the programme – Russian language is important here and work alongside national therapists to provide services for the elderly. The complications of NCD’s is immense plus the consequence of isolation and family breakdown further increasing the level of vulnerability of older people.
So would you have any suggestions here please?
a) An expat therapist – preferably Russian speaker
b) A national therapist – working in country if possibly or to return
2. Help Age has another project in Tanzania – http://www.helpage.org/newsroom/latest-news/burundi-refugees-at-risk-in-overcrowded-tanzania-camps/ and we are looking for therapists to work there – either national or regional with CBR experience – to build up a CBR programme with other organisations, involving training incentive workers. There is not fixed plan yet as we are waiting for funding – but I am trying to see what resources are available in the region to prepare – if the funding is approved.
I would appreciate any links or suggestions from you
Diana Hiscock
3rd Floor, Tavistock Square
Mobile +447969138017
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