Happy New Year to everyone who reads this blog. After three weeks off it’s nice to be back and thinking about the year ahead.
Hopefully you’ve all had a restful and enjoyable break and are looking forward to 2016. It promises to be another exciting year for the Critical Physiotherapy Network.
Our plans for world domination are taking shape nicely. We have our lovely new website, a fantastic membership and a dedicated Executive working feverishly behind the scenes to think of interesting ways to be a ‘positive force for an otherwise physiotherapy.’ What more could we possibly need!
Over the next few weeks we’ll be catching up on information and ideas that have appeared over the last month, and feeding your world-weary brains with a caffeine fix of criticality, so let us know if there’s anything you want to post on the site. We love guest bloggers, comments and ideas, cross-postings, notices and information, coffee and walnut cakes, notices of new articles, appointments and personal achievements for anyone and anything that is bringing a critical lens to the profession.
And so, off we go…
Dave Nicholls, Chair, Critical Physiotherapy Network
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