This report Educating Health Professionals-an Intersectoral Policy Approach was sent to us by Prof. Dr. Heidi Höppner MPH, Professorin für Physiotherapie, Förderung der Gesundheit und Teilhabe in Berlin (

and necessitate new competencies which become manifest in new roles (EU 2012, p. 6).
Thinking about the future of health and care At present, the health system and the health industry are undergoing historic changes and are confronted with major challenges. The health society is increasingly interconnected globally, which leads to a shift in the traditional boundaries between disciplines and professions, institutions and countries. By the same token, the relation between service provision and citizen, market and regulation, doctor and patient, service provider and consumer is redefined. New approaches and strategies in the healthcare system and in the education of healthcare professionals need to accommodate all these challenges in order to be able to make a relevant contribution to the future. In a dialogue with the partners in the educational and healthcare sectors, Careum intends to point out how the trends can be transformed into concrete endeavours in educational policy.
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