Every day during September we will post up an idea for you to vote on. The most popular ideas will become the things that the inaugural Organizing Committee of the Critical Physiotherapy Network focuses on in 2015. So please make sure you cast your vote at the bottom of each post.
Every organisation worth its salt has a clear visual identity. This often includes a logo that is immediately recognisable, a certain typeface and set of style sheets so that people can quickly recognise communications from the group, and a particular colour palette.
Often these days, we think that these things are cynically applied by big corporations for marketing advantage, but there is also a lot of research that people find some benefit in a recognisable visual identity and it helps them identify with a particular group and its values.
So without wanting to get too heavily into commercial identity politics, shouldn’t we define our own style sheet and encourage people to use it to help promote the group?
Post update: please note that voting closed on 7 October 2014 (results are available here), but please feel free to post your comments in the space below.
Since this idea was published in September 2014, CPN has got a network logo (thanks to Sofia Woods from Shortie Designs) which is available for members to download here
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