Drawing a long bow, I know, but with a few minor amendments, Loïc Wacquant could actually be talking about physiotherapy…or medicine…or any of the other health professions that adhere to the medical model:
‘…the [physiotherapy] merry-go-round is to [health] what pornography is to amorous relations: a mirror deforming reality to the point of the grotesque that artificially extracts [deviant movement] from the fabric of social relations in which they take root and make sense, deliberately ignores their causes and their meanings, and reduces their treatment to a series of conspicuous position takings, often acrobatic, sometimes properly unreal, pertaining to the cult of ideal performance rather than to the pragmatic attention to the real.’
From Wacquant, L. (2009). Punishing the Poor: The Neoliberal Government of Social Relations. Durham, Duke University Press, pp.xii-xiii.
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