Now it’s the end of the semester and the exams are over, I thought I would share a few student bloopers from our health programmes. These are all authentic out-takes from student assignments and, I think you’ll agree, some are pure genius:
- New Zealand has had a poor oral rate for many years.
- Contact with live stick for example pigs has been proven to have infected some people with MRSA.
- This website gave me full detention of congenital heart disease.
- Many people who consumed aspartame surfed the effect of blindness.
- By restoring and maintaining health in the developed world beginning in New Zealand we aim to eradicate the 27-28 percent of all children in developing countries estimated to be underweight or stunted
- The male race…
- Jaundice occurs because the infant’s immature liver is unable to filer the waste product “Billy Rubin” from the blood…
- In our society a married woman consuming a baby has much rights and support than an unwedded woman (Simms, 1986)
- The effects of pregnancy on a teen are numerous in number
- Women taking contraception containing hormones are known to have mood changes, weight problems and can even slow down their sex drive which defeats the purpose of what we use contraception for
- Because of being a sick child and crying constantly, I was physically attached to my mother and getting satisfied by breastfeeding. According to Freud’s oral stage, I believe I was stimulated by my mother’s breast.
- Becoming a mother is a humongous responsibility and it’s scarier when the individual isn’t mature enough to take the burden of a baby.
…and my personal favourite:
- I learn to roll over, sit and crawl. Mt mother thought me to walk.
Just a mare slip of the kayboard, me thinks! 🙂
Of course Wittgenstein would argue that it is only our understanding of the word within the context of how we learnt it that makes any of this amusing. To the writers it might well be their understanding.
Here are 2 more contributions from the students at SHU… 🙂
“Refinement of participants will be done by sieving them…”
“Please can I have an extension as there was a buggery at the house last night…”