00:10:20 Adriane Vieira: Hello everybody! :) 00:11:10 Aaron Marshall: Good Morning from Golden Bay New Zealand 00:12:27 Tobba (she/her): Hi everyone, thank for joining this morning/evening/noon 00:27:37 David Nicholls: It feels like there’s something here about practitioners ‘dwelling in/on’ their care. I wonder if PT training discourages this kind of thought/relating? 00:30:33 Tone Dahl-Michelsen: I think that stuff like this for many teachers in PT are seen as "bias" :-( 00:37:41 Zoe Leyland: w 00:38:12 Zoe Leyland: When you refer to Bakhtin, are you incorporating The Dialogical Imagination or other works? 00:39:28 Bhanu: In response to Prof Dave’s comment, sometimes, we don’t even notice how organisational boundaries stifle our ability to think more broadly than the ‘question-answer’ approach we often learn during university. Sadly, the people who do think differently, and to whom it is really important to know better the person in front of them, they are treated as the more odd team member!! 00:43:25 David Nicholls: If stories are endless, contextual, and unlimited (collective, historical, etc.), they can’t be about ‘knowing’ the other. What ‘other ways of understanding’ are they for? Could PTs use this for a different kind of PT? 00:44:09 Meri Westlake: I agree Bhanu, constraint of generosity plays out in my mind as a prioritisation of the number of contacts that can be done in a day . The organisational constraint is funding - particularly in a pay per contact funding model 00:47:08 Angela Wright: I’m struggling with connectivity, so apologies, I will leave but listen to the recording later, really enjoyed what I heard though, thank you! 00:50:13 Anne Langaas: Looking forward to read the Chapter :-) 00:52:50 Zoe Leyland: Thank you kindly for your reply. 00:59:02 Meri Westlake: there’s a trend I’ve noticed regarding closing people down in teaching students - students are praised when they keep things on track and pull patients back to the physio task 00:59:34 Filip Maric (PhD): I’m intrigued by the way in which Arthur’s description of the ‘full room’ of others (present, past, or future) contrast with the idea of loss as a central element in the traumatic (and so therapeutic) experience. 01:00:50 Zoe Leyland: Tobba - wouldn’t that be true empathy though if you’re engaging in dialogical conversation as a practitioner? 01:04:26 nicky wilson: Professionalism is tied to efficiency and 'good' time management. Opening the story box is often feared as professionals control of the therapeutic encounter is lost. 01:04:50 Tobba (she/her): To Zoe: I believe you’re right :) 01:04:57 Yiftach Madar: Patty, I really connect to your story. it’s really close to my own story with dealing with death of my brother and my father stroke 10 years ago. 01:05:37 Anne Marit Mengshoel: I am rather facinated by you using the concept generosity that I think is broader, but including empathy. I also think that telling stories is helpful for the teller, and to have a generous audience listening is meaningful in itself. 01:05:42 Zoe Leyland: Thanks, Tobba. Happy to hear your confirmation. 01:05:44 Yiftach Madar: I now work in the same rehab hospital he was treated. He is definitely in my reflecting team everyday, 01:06:28 Arthur Frank: Art — to Nicky, that’s what I meant by referring to metrics. Conditions of practice are tied to reimbursement, which is increasingly task focused. 01:07:30 nicky wilson: Thank you Art. Lovely voice to listen to by the way! 01:07:40 Arthur Frank: Art — I hope we can get to Dave’s comment, early on, about stories and knowing the other. 01:10:26 Tobba (she/her): Dave, U’re really good in summing up! 01:11:10 Alma Viviana: This really goes along with Byung Chul Han "the world that is poor in negativity and in turn dominated by excess positivity” 01:11:27 Patty Thille (she/her): ^^interesting Alma 01:12:20 Anne Marit Mengshoel: Ageee With Tobbay. To me generosity iis even broader than Hospitality as it also include accepting the other's vulnarability 01:12:51 Bhanu: We have invited a student to observe the Zoom classes we have stated to run with people I have known from 3 months to 15 years; the student has been quite shocked to me join in and cry openly together with the others over the death of one of the class members (Covid). What was then even worse for her was when she was asked something personal - you could see she felt obviously uncomfortable in opening up to these ‘strangers’, yet unaware that is exactly what she expects of them when she asks personal questions. It is reciprocity, and showing our humanity. 01:13:35 nicky wilson: lovely description Tobba 01:13:37 Anne Langaas: Is padagogy also relevant? How to make people feel comfortable and wanting to both contribute and listen. 01:14:44 Tobba (she/her): To Anne: Pedagogy is of course an other “word” for what I describe. PT is a pedagogical practice to facilitate interaction, movement and change :) 01:16:33 Tobba (she/her): The pedagogy concept is more “instrumental” of “used” - hospitality is still an unexpected concept to focus om key features of PT practice - which can facilitate a different conversation 01:18:32 Tobba (she/her): Always another question to be posed 01:19:50 Alma Viviana: Changing the perceptions of openess of patients' vulnerability to physios as not part of the profession. 01:23:15 Anne Langaas: I get associations to discourse analysis and the idea that we are offering each other subject positions 01:24:05 Patty Thille (she/her): Viviana's comment is also highlighting what we think of as 'negativity', rather than part of human experience of suffering 01:26:40 Patty Thille (she/her): the book Art is referring to: https://www.cambridge.org/core/books/healing-dramas-and-clinical-plots/4CAB9D45C4AC884209316370FC2F9A47 01:29:58 Yiftach Madar: All part of the performance :) 01:30:14 Anne Marit Mengshoel: Physiotherapists like to think about themselves that they are "Reading the bodies"? 01:30:17 Alma Viviana: silence , compasionate listening. 01:31:22 Anne Langaas: I will recommend the article by Leder & Krucoff: The healing touch 01:35:28 Alma Viviana: body memories 01:36:16 nicky wilson: Have to go. Brilliant session. Thank you all. 01:36:31 Tobba (she/her): Thanks Micky 01:37:19 Alma Viviana: thank you so much Patty, Arthur and Tobba. excellent session! 01:37:25 Tobba (she/her): Thanks Alma! 01:37:26 Liz Harvey: Thank you!! 01:37:29 Tone Dahl-Michelsen: Thank you 01:37:34 Zoe Leyland: Wonderful conversation! Thank you to all! 01:37:36 Meri Westlake: thank you all 01:37:47 Paula Bronson: thank you all 01:37:53 Tobba (she/her): Thank you all for listening in! 01:37:54 Anna Lustenberger: Thank you so much for you openness and inspiration!it was amazing to listen to you! 01:37:58 Adam: Thank you very much 01:37:58 Aaron Marshall: Thanks everyone! Great to hear what was (for me) a bit of a new perspective. 01:38:03 Filip Maric (PhD): Thanks to all, great session 🙇‍♂️ 01:38:03 Adriane Vieira: Thank you so much Patty, Arthur and Tobba. I loved the session! 01:38:03 Susan Waller: Inspiring, thank you! 01:38:10 Anne Marit Mengshoel: thank you for an interesting presentation and discussions 01:39:19 Yiftach Madar: Thank you all. incredible as always. 01:39:39 Aaron Marshall: See ya all!